harvest etc applicator foot switch & pump motor questions

vendredi 18 novembre 2016

I think I'd like to get the foot switch done over the winter.
Is this a plug/play install? Not sure where foot switch wiring plugs in?
My biggest head scratcher is that my floor is "soft". Floor mat is also a thick sound barrier. Not sure where to mount it.
I thought maybe mounting on a thick piece of plastic about 10" square?

Also, while cleaning my harvest etc out for winterization, I discovered motor #1 was toast. I didn't have to use my harvest etc much because we had an amazing hay making summer, so I'm pretty relieved.
Do most of you get pumps through dealer? With 10% off parts specials this winter, it looks like a $160 part.
Or is there an on line supplier that is more affordable?

harvest etc applicator foot switch & pump motor questions

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