To Brushhog or not

mardi 29 novembre 2016

So one of my alfalfa fields this year was out of sync with everything else and I got 4th cut off it Sept 14, which is usually as late as I wanna go here in MI (from what the old timers taught me anyway), for a general frost date of October 15.


Well, we didn't get a frost, and had ridiculously warm weather all through october/november and the field is now 2' tall and has finally died back for the year.


Owing to the long growth, should I run the brush hog over it to 5 - 6" to clean it up and help spring growth, or leave it as-is and clean it up with first cutting? Not really sure, it'll probably just shatter when the mower hits it - thoughts? opinions?

To Brushhog or not

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