Thinking About Raising Goats

jeudi 24 novembre 2016

Alright guys, as the topic implies, I have been thinking about diversifying our small cow/calf operation by adding getting in to the goat market on a small scale.  We raise our own hay, and typically have plenty left over that I could feed instead of stockpiling it for the next year.  I know that I would have to rework the fencing in the area, it's good enough for the cows, but no way it would hold a goat. 


Those of you that raise commercial goats, what breeds are you raising, what are you feeding them, would regular grass hay be good enough or would I have to do more specialized hay? 


Just trying to gather information while I'm thinking about this move, anything that you can think of to pass a long please do so, I don't want to jump into a losing proposition.



Thinking About Raising Goats

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