Thinking about planting Teff again next year

mardi 29 novembre 2016

I had a pretty good year growing teff on 75 acres.   I probably should have fertilized the last 2 cuttings.   People seemed to really take to it this year.   I sold a bunch to a guy in Wyoming.   Fairly big market for it in Wyoming.    So in my thinking of what to plant next year on the 75 acres my thoughts turn to Teff again and then just fertilize 3rd and 4th cutting to get more off of it.   Even the stuff that got rained on didn't hurt at all.   I found out that it's hard for Teff to mold in big squares here.    I baled some accidently at 30%.   It never molded.  Should I plant again?  

Thinking about planting Teff again next year

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