Alfalfa germinating in December

lundi 5 décembre 2016

I planted some alfalfa back at the very first of October in minimal moisture with chances of rain a couple days after planting. We never got the rain so the seed has laid in the ground for two months until we got our first rain a week ago. I was at the field today spreading straw on a couple places that are bad to wash out and I noticed that the alfalfa was germinating.....looks like a good stand too. Our first really cold weather is going to be this coming weekend with a low in the upper teens and high in the upper 30s. I'm guessing those temps will kill the alfalfa seedlings. After that though the temps are back up in the high 50s with lows around 28-35 like we have been having. Does the alfalfa have any chance of surviving or is pretty much a lost cause?

Alfalfa germinating in December

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