RTV-x1120 Steering

vendredi 14 juillet 2017

I noticed that the steering wheel on our 1120 had the "K" emblem on the steering wheel aligned straight up and down, sort of like your car or truck. The next time I noticed the steering wheel position, the K was like at 4 o'clock and so on. Each time I started and drive the RTV, the steering wheel is in a different position. Anyone know why that might be?

Also, on the blacktop, the RTV easily accelerated up to 25 but according to the manual, you shouldn't run it flat out until after 500 hour service. There is still enough pedal there to easily get to 30 or more.

Anyway, at 25mph, that is about as fast as I would feel comfortable running. The steering feels different to me. Not wrong or bad, just different. Sort of imprecise if you follow me. Is this normal on blacktop?

Feels great on trails, field and township gravel road.


RTV-x1120 Steering

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