Tech Blasts Way to Savings

jeudi 30 novembre 2017

This is interesting

Tech Blasts Way to Savings

Round baling corn stalks

Once again I have been asked to RB corn stalks. Same guy asked me last year but we never made a deal and did it. Is this the procedure:
Mow stalks with bush hog set low
Rake stalks into rows

Now for the questions:
I have a CX-15. It does not have a corn stalk kit on it. Is this a problem?
Do I need to change my rake? Like set it higher than for hay?
Do I need to change anything on the Baler? Should I add more wraps? Currently set at 2.5/bale.
Are the bales typically heavier than average 15% hay bales (I know it depends on corn stalk moisture, but just an expected average would help)?
How Do I charge for it? He has no hay equipment. Is it kind of like I get the guys corn field cleaned up and I keep all the bales? Or do you typically share bales with him? If yes, how many or what percentage?
Anything else?

Round baling corn stalks

Rowse rake in stalks

A friend of mine raking today.



Rowse rake in stalks

miller pro 7914 hay buddy

Just wanted to know if anyone uses a miller pro 7914 hay buddy. Do you like it? .Will it replace a rake? Can you still get parts for it? What's the good, bad, and ugly about those things. What are they worth? Should I run far away from it, or do they do a decent job?

miller pro 7914 hay buddy

Torching the windrower

Buddy has a windrower that he bought with the conditioner rolls removed. He priced out a set if used rolls for it and it was half as much as the machine was worth. The conditioners are only about 5 ft Max and thus the windrows are 5 ft wide on a 14ft cut. Has anybody tried making the opening wider to say 8 or 9 ft? I'm thinking that it would increase drydown rate much better.

Torching the windrower

Accidents on the farms

This article is about people new to farming, but it is a good reminder to experienced farmers also.   I posted this because we get quite a few new and inexperienced people asking about machinery and such from time to time also.   


All the new tractors and such have way more safeties then the old.   But the old is where entry farmers start with for the most part.

Accidents on the farms

Beef Transporting Snafu.

mercredi 29 novembre 2017



Regards, Mike

Beef Transporting Snafu.

Loading trucks with Bale Handler/Steffen Systems grapple

First time posting, but spent lots of time reading.  My younger brother and I put up about 8,000 small square straw bales a year ( I realize not a huge amount in comparison to a lot of folks).  We currently run an 8520 Case IH Inline and a 1037 New Holland Stackliner.  Most of the straw is sold by the semi load and getting a time when we can both load or get help to load has been a constant issue, this next year we plan on expanding into alfalfa and grass hay so more bales to load.  I picked up a Bale Handler grapple today, its capable of lifting 18 bales on edge. My hope is to pick from the stacks made by the stackliner and set the on the semi with an f11 farmhand loader.  What's the consensus on this plan? I realize that an f11 on a tractor is not the fastest way to load but without shelling out cash for a bigger skid loader I thought this would be the next best option.  Any insight or ideas would be appreciated.  I would like to stack the bales 6 wide on edge and 6 tiers high. Thanks!   

Loading trucks with Bale Handler/Steffen Systems grapple

wet hayfield

I have a small hayfield,approx.5 acres, that needs to be reseeded. This field has poor drainage and very heavy soil, so sometimes hard to cut hay on time. Flat field, so drain tile is not a option. What type of hay would work in this field? Something that requires more moisture that could help dry out this field.  Thanks  Dan

wet hayfield

Sold my Calves

Sold my calves the other day; I was well pleased with what I got. I got a $1.94 for my steers under 500 pounds, $1.69 for my steer between 500 and 600 pounds., and averaged about $1.47 for my heifers.


Got all my cows preg checked and only had one that was open, I have about 5 that are going to be late calvers. I was thinking of selling them, but I think I will just keep them instead. There is no way that I am going to be able to replace them for what I bought them for last year.


All in all yesterday was a good day, but a busy one. I would have liked to watch my calves sell, but we just had to much work to do. We preg checked about 370 through yesterday, of those 18 were mine.

Sold my Calves


Has anyone rode on a trail system in the US with one of these. Seems no one has.In WVA or PEN or anywhere.JOE


Shop Manual RTV-X900 & RTV-1120D

$12.50 "free shipping"
Manual is in PDF Format placed on a CD

Payment by pay-pal only

make sure you include name & address

Shop Manual RTV-X900 & RTV-1120D

Ford forklift power steering issue

mardi 28 novembre 2017

Have a Ford forklift ( turned around Ford 801 which is not the one father was supposed to buy) that has a power steering issue. Previous owner had a screaming brain fart and welded the coupler on the engine to the shaft running the hydraulic pump, so in order to change power steering belt you literally need to pull the weight box, then unbolt the steering assembly from the engine and slide it away just to change the power steering belt. Have a segmented belt on it now but it slips as the pulley on the pump is also shot. I’ve tried all kinds of different sites for antique tractors to find a new pulley, I’ve found all kinds of selections that are too large, no room for a larger pulley and also the reservoir has a recess for the pulley. 

So my thinking is this, why can’t I route the return from the forklift valve stack thru the power steering motor at the steering column? Both are open systems technically, if required I’m sure I could find whatever valve or relief required from Burdens Surplus Center if the flow on the return from the valve stack is too high to route it all thru the steering motor.

Ford forklift power steering issue

ND irrigated Alfalfa

Hey all, new to the forum


I farm in ND. Some of that is in irrigation. With todays grain prices its very hard for me to get going only been on my own for a few years. The irrigation is nice but budgets are very tight. Another thing is that the pivot ground has PH  6.8-7.2. and makes it hard to grow anything productive other than corn and barley. (which i hate dealing with malting barley). 


So this is what i got, Some higher PH soils that is on about 1-6 inchs of decent soil then the rest is pure gravel. Like road gravel. So i have compaction issues that need to be addressed every 4 years. Next spring ill be renting a sub soil ripper to break up hard pans. (no-till planting/seeding here ). Then minimal tillage ( joker, pro-till) the rest.


So if a guy would put in alfalfa, is liquid fertilizer an option ( through the pivot) instead of a granular? Again I have compaction issues, So i don't know if i would want a floater going over the top if i can just run liquid through the pivot to meet my P&K needs. there is an irrigated organic alfalfa grower north of me i heard say once in the bar he used calcium and Humates?? and brags about getting 250RFV; but i don't know his yearly tonnage. Ive seen his organic operation and his alfalfa does look nice, very few weeds. But i don't know him well enough to ask more about his operation and how he does things.


So what kind of tonnage could one expect and RFV (obviously if put up right) on irrigation? and organically as well?


What size of square baler would you guys recommend? I hear in ND its best to ship out of state.


Last, what are prices going for conventional and organic alfalfa? 

Im pretty much stuck on conventional but at this point I'm open in trying going organic alfalfa after spraying the field pre alfalfa emergence and start the 36 month clock countdown.

ND irrigated Alfalfa

Just starting out, which equipment to buy?

I won't be baling much, 20-50 acres. Currently my dairy farmer neighbor does it but he can't always get to it. He doesn't care if I take over doing all of it or just do certain parts myself and he'll take care of the steps that I don't have the equipment for. 


I'm in Michigan, these will be grass/alfalfa fields for sheep and cows. My current tractor has 40hp at the PTO and does not have remotes. I'm keeping my eye on the used market for something a little bigger with remotes. 


So which equipment to get first considering how I can piece this together over time? Start with a tedder and rake, wait until I figure out which tractor I'm going to use before I get set on a baler and haybine? Any certain style of each type of equipment to look at? The fields here are pretty flat if that makes any difference. There's a Sitrex 2 basket tedder at a local auction that I'm still liking the price on. They also have a Kuhn 4120 rake but that seems to have drawn some attention and it might go high. Would I be better looking at the older style equipment since I'm not doing that many acres, and it costs a lot less. Like maybe just using a wheel rake?

Just starting out, which equipment to buy?

locked out of forum

Hi all members,

My user name was previously 1kubota. For some strange reason I could not login. I reset my password 3 different times to no avail. So I ended up re-registering using user name kubota1.

Larry Williamson aka kubota1

locked out of forum

10-34-0/starter set up

Any one use a starter when drilling forage crops/small grains etc. I want to put liquid fertilizer on my drill and seem to be getting mixed opinions on how to do it. Currently I just broadcast all my phos but would like to try dribbling 10-34-0 either on top of the row or close beside it. I don’t want to put it on in furrow because of sandy lighter soil . My thought is that putting liquid on close to the row or close to it would be more efficient/effective than broadcasting map over the whole field. Any thoughts would be appreciated

10-34-0/starter set up

running some 4" drain pipe but ....hit a rock.

lundi 27 novembre 2017

I rented a ditch witch for last Saturday and dug a trench for burying 70' of 4" drain pipe. But I hit a rock about two inches down in the middle of my trenching.

So, I moved over 3.5 to 4' and tried again. Hit the rock again. Arrrrgggg. Now I'm looking for ideas on how to run the drain pipe anyway.

Possible solutions I have checked on: a jack hammer. A bit much for me to handle I'm afraid ...and it would cost me a couple hundred. So, if paying out that much I prefer to rent a small track hoe with a jack hammer implement on it to pulverize the rock. That will cost 300 to 400, depending on a few variables.

Anyone have a better way to take care of this pesky rock?

running some 4" drain pipe but ....hit a rock.

912 New Holland Speedrower

  I bought a 912 speedrower awhile back and trying to get it going does anybody still run them and were they good machines in the day? Where there any problems with this model anything to look for? Did the hydrostatic drive hold up good on these,I know a lot has to do with mantanence and the operator. Thanks for any advice

912 New Holland Speedrower

Home made grapple question

Anybody ever seen a grapple made with an electric actuator rather then a hydraulic cylinder? My loader tractor doesn't have a remote and will cost about $1000 to put one. The actuator I've found has about a 7 inch stroke and 1000# of force. I thought this should be enough to push the hooks in. If I remember right it's around $300. Seems like it's worth a try to me. Anybody else try it?

Home made grapple question

Again with the Gleaner k

dimanche 26 novembre 2017

'm trying to cut soybeans in the next couple of days here and I'm cracking about 20% of them if not a little more. I am running the concaves wide open and the cylinder speed as slow as it'll go. I'm having no problems with them threshing but I'm having an issue somewhere with them getting broke. I tried running at the recommended speed and clearance and broke probably half of them I'm trying to figure out what to do here as I've never run a combine before. Maybe taking concaves out will help where would those be located?

Again with the Gleaner k

Skid steer help

I have a skat trak 1350 that was running great. Today while using it it just died. Now when I try to crank it over there is nothing. No sound from starter nothing. Battery has good voltage and the lights work if I turn them on. I can also heat the glow plugs as the indicator gets red. Any help is appreciated. Thanjs

Skid steer help

just checked my RPM

using a caterpillar 6V2100 multi tack with the fuel injection line as a pickup i checked the RPM at no load engine at operating temp 57 degree ambient temp.
the high idle RPM was set factory at 3145 no load. this is on a 2014 RTVX1100cw with aprox 400 hours.:14_6_12:

just checked my RPM

Factory trained tech's ?

Does Kubota have levels of trained tech's, I didn't see any plaques with names of certified techs at my dealership and the shop looked less equipped than my garage?

Factory trained tech's ?


Implemented last January, but many are just now becoming familiar with the changes.


Regards, Mike


Busted! IH B47 baler

samedi 25 novembre 2017

Hi, just wondering if anyone here knows how to disassemble the hay pickup carriage for the B47 baler? I need to as mine jumped the drive shaft keyway and ive found 2 other guys near me who also are trying to figure it out...

Cheers Chris

Busted! IH B47 baler

Kubota round baler reviews

I've found a kubota  bv4160 baler and I would like to know what everyone thinks of them so far.  Its a 4 x 5 baler but can i run 51 inch wide net wrap or only 48 inch?  Thanks

Kubota round baler reviews

Looking for an innovative way to sprig

So, here's the deal. I did some experimenting with Jiggs last year. After attending a "hay day" with the university here I discovered Jiggs seems to like my clay based soil. I purchased a few round rolls green and planted in an small area (about 3 acres) just to see how it did. Well, after I planted I got absolutely no rain for over 2 months. To my surprise when the rain finally came it started to grow is has done very well.


Not having access to any type of sprigger what I did was roll the bales out with the loader as best I could and then used a fluffer to back into this mess to try and spread it out. I guess it worked ok but my soil was so dry it was one big dust bowl.


So, I am looking for ideas on how to better deal with the actual spreading of the sprigs. Any ideas other than using my fluffer? I actually tired to hire some Mexicans from the row crop guys but at that time they could not spare any.

Looking for an innovative way to sprig

8/17 WSM RTVX1100C Wiring and HST

Here is the link, they look very good, click on them to zoom in .

More people that read them the more we work on figuring them out.

8/17 WSM RTVX1100C Wiring and HST

Wrong Forum Delete Please

I figure more people thinking about this the smarter we will all get.

Wrong Forum Delete Please

Three year alfalfa/hay contract

vendredi 24 novembre 2017

We are going into a three year contract for alfalfa/hay mix, and I am wondering what would be a good price per 825 lbs net 4x5 round bale to sell back to this guy, as he will buy half back and we will get the other half. We are paying land rent and for the seed, he would be buying it from us as it were off for our own land. We are in the Norwood, MN area.

Three year alfalfa/hay contract

balewagon vs accumulator

jeudi 23 novembre 2017

Hallo there 


I follow you guys for quite sometime ....

i have some questions 

Will a bale wagon be faster than a accumulator 

I farm 250 acres and make about 30000 bales and have a 1044 bale-wagon but i'm leaning towards a accumulator because off my storage 

i have no barn and been always storing outside and tarp it but always loose bottoms etc

i am going to put up a dome 80 x 40  and 100 x 50 

if i use my wagon i probably only get 3 stacks side by side in the 40' and 4 in the 50' wide structures and maybe 10 forward in the 80' long and 14/15 in the 100' long structures which is 30 stacks in the 40/80 and 60 stacks in the 100/50 building

that's not that much 


i am wondering if i accumulate in the field and then load on a trailer and then go in the dome with my grapple if that's faster or the same because this way i can double my storage capacity 


also if anybody knows if these dome drip/condense on the inside because hay usually is a bit different temperature




balewagon vs accumulator

Help identifying “Hay” - not Timothy Hay?

Thought this was 2nd cut Timothy. Told it was 2nd cut Timothy....Not so sure after looking at it. Anyone that could help would be greatly appreciated. Just worried about what it is since I’ve never seen this type before and have no experience with anything other than orchard grass - alfalfa - and Timothy. Worried about feeding to the animals not knowing what it is. Thank you so much! Added photos on here so hope this worked. Seems to have things mixed into it that I can not identify.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 1F546058-277B-4B16-9D81-8911363200C9.jpeg
  • 766BA41F-859A-47A1-802D-6EF8BA143C43.jpeg
  • E3253DD7-828A-47E5-9D6E-DE14676A5076.jpeg
  • B76B90F6-78EA-4CDF-8A6F-E6D056724358.jpeg

Help identifying “Hay” - not Timothy Hay?

Farm king rakes/discmowers.

Does anyone know anything about the farm king haying equipment? I noticed at the trade show that farm king has a rotary rake. Both a single and double and they have 3 point disc mowers. Does farm king make these themselves or are they rebadged? They only had the rotary rake at the show. The rake looked alrighr, price was good. Not as heavy as the krone of the same size, but than again nobody at the krone both would take the time of day to talk to me. I hate that at farm shows. Why be there if your not going to talk to people. End of rant.

Anyways, how realiable are the farm king rakes and mowers?

Farm king rakes/discmowers.

Hay dryer

Interesting!But whats the cost?


Hay dryer

FS: For Sale- Side view mirrors V4358 & stock tail lights

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

FOR SALE- Maryland

Qty 2- side view V4358 ROPS mounted mirrors. Came off of a x1140, assume they will fit any RTV roll bar. On RTV for less than 6 months then replaced with windshield frame mounted mirrors.
$40 shipped for pair of mirrors, regularly $60+, plus shipping. $30 if you happen to be local to Maryland and we can avoid shipping.

Qty 2- Factory Tail light pair and switch. Swapped for turn signal/hazard light and switch.
$30 shipped, $20 local.

FS: For Sale- Side view mirrors V4358 & stock tail lights

Properly using an offset disc harrow

I'm getting ready to work up some really rough ground with an offset disc harrow. I have used it in the past and it seems to be a pretty good tool for riding down the humps and high spots......while it works pretty good for rough leveling I also found out that you can really make a mess of a field with an offset disc and leave some big furrows. With the offset disc harrow I was taught to work the field round and round always going in a clockwise direction rather than going back and forth. Is this the best and proper way to use an offset disc? With other tillage tools like a chisel plow or regular tandem disc I make a few rounds around and then start going back and forth in the same direction that I will plant and harvest.


Properly using an offset disc harrow

2- and 3- tie with 1068

Novice question: can a 1068 bale wagon that currently picks up 3-tie bales pick up 2-tie as well? What’s involved in converting from 3 to 2?

2- and 3- tie with 1068

Happy Thanksgiving

just want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to the forum!! may God protect those who have to travel during the holiday and lets not forget the service men and women who are in distant lands or serving on bases that can't be with family on this day.

Happy Thanksgiving

Will 1100c Winshield fit x1120d

mardi 21 novembre 2017

Title says it all. Trying to see if an 1100c windshield will fit an x1120d. Found a really great deal on one used and dont want to spend a grand on the oem one for the x1120d.

Will 1100c Winshield fit x1120d

Old 6 bottom plow pulled by Steam

Here is a couple of pictures of an old 6 bottom plow. I was told that it took three people to run the plow by one guy. Another told me one can run the plow so I am not sure. I do know it took two to run the tractor. So it could take up to five people in all to run this.

Oh yes and when you go to an event like this you have to stop in and eat. This is from a stand that three sisters started. They do an awesome job and all the food is great

Old 6 bottom plow pulled by Steam

Health insurance

Now that I parked the combine for the year. One job that I have is the search for health insurance for my wife and I and my son's family of 5 with two on the way. the past couple years I've purchase that during the Open Enrollment time I think our only option is to use that Marketplace. I think a lot of Republicans that shot their mouths off should realize it's worse now then the past couple years prior. In Pennsylvania it's County specific and the county I'm in there are only two plans available for my wife and I and neither of those plans use the doctor's we would use and they are higher priced than before and they put up the levels where they subsidize or help you out in those plans. Anyone else on here applying for health insurance during open enrollment where does anybody see any good alternatives

Health insurance


wanted to load wiring diagrams and 800x600 is too small need at least 1920X1080.


Wiring Diagram 8/17 x1100C

lundi 20 novembre 2017

This out of the latest WSM thought it would help for people doing lights etc. Shows wattage of bulbs

Attached Images
File Type: jpg WIRE4.jpg (55.0 KB)
File Type: jpg WIRE3.jpg (48.3 KB)

Wiring Diagram 8/17 x1100C

Windsheid for No Cab X Model 1120D

I am checking to see what our fellow RTVX owners chose for a windshield, if any.

The link to the windshield below is a fast attach and rides on rubber collars attached to the ROPS. It is not a tight seal and some air does get past by design - I told to prevent condensation. It goes for around four Hondo U.S.

Did anyone else get one of this and if so, how do you like it.

If you got another kind, we would appreciate any input you have. This is our first winter with the bota.


Windsheid for No Cab X Model 1120D

Windsheid for No Cab X Model 1120D

I am checking to see what our fellow RTVX owners chose for a windshield, if any.

The link to the windshield below is a fast attach and rides on rubber collars attached to the ROPS. It is not a tight seal and some air does get past by design - I told to prevent condensation. It goes for around four Hondo U.S.

Did anyone else get one of this and if so, how do you like it.

If you got another kind, we would appreciate any input you have. This is our first winter with the bota.


Windsheid for No Cab X Model 1120D

Bale spear length

I'm converting my round bale unloading tractor to skidsteer quick attach and will be buying a hay spear.  I've got several 49" spears, but I'm making round bales that are 39" wide, and having the spear stick through can be troublesome when moving lined up bales, so I'm thinking of getting one with a 39" spike.  But will there be unintended consequences? When I buy supplemental hay rounds they are usually 48" wide or more, will I have a problem unloading them off a trailer with a 39" spear?  Thanks!

Bale spear length

Grain Sorghum w legume interplant

Many of you are aware of my practice of taking first cut and then seeding forage sorghum for the summer months. This has worked really well to suppress weeds and reduce tillage requirements as well as stretch that fertilizer dollar.
I am considering switching some acres to a grain variety on 36" rows and then interseeding red clover. My thought is after the grain harvest in October I should be able to make baleage from the stubble and lower clover. It appears the height difference should allow for harvest with minimal green material clogging up the old gleaner rotor.
Thoughts on how the interseeded clover will affect grain yield? Thoughts or experience on how clover will do as an understory crop.
Suggestions for a different companion crop?

Grain Sorghum w legume interplant

Hard Brake Pedal

I've got a 2012 Toro Workman HDX. 4 wheel disc brakes, manual braking system (no booster). I've had many problems with these brakes and end up changing all the calipers and rotors about once a year to the tune of $1500 each.

I just replaced the brakes on this one, went out to break the pads in, noticed the pedal gradually getting hard after the first couple braking attempts. Once the pedal hardened up the braking quality disappeared. I could stand on the pedal and it slowly stopped.

I re-bled the system just in case, no air came out. I figured the master cylinder must have went since everything else is new (except the lines which are braided stainless) and I have had to replace one on a previous machine a few years back.

Bench bled the master, installed, bled the system again until all air was out. Drove, same thing. Once again I decided to try to re-bleed just to be sure. Got air from the fronts. Drove again, same. If it sits for a little bit, it will brake well for the first couple then get bad again.

At this point all I can figure one or more of the calipers are bad or the pads are junk and glazed over or something reducing the friction.

I just drove it and was easy on it and it still didn't seem right. I'm at a loss.

Hard Brake Pedal

Spring Seeding Orchardgrass

I have around 50 acres of ground that needs to be seeded back into hay this spring.  One field is about 15 acres that has always been row cropped but has some pretty sizeable ditches in it, I am seeding it to keep the ditches from getting any worse.  The other 35 acres has been in hay in the past but was row cropped for the last 5 or so years to help get rid of a Johnson Grass problem.  All 50 acres were in soybeans last year so I couldn't get it drilled in the fall, so I'm going to have to do something this coming spring.  I am wanting to grow an orchardgrass mixed hay, but I know that it will not produce great the first year and spring seedings are not the best.  What I am wondering about is putting an oat nurse crop in with the orchardgrass, then if need be adding to the orchardgrass in the fall.


Is this a work able solution?  When would I need to plant the oat/orchardgrass mix?

Spring Seeding Orchardgrass

NH 560 prices

dimanche 19 novembre 2017

So, just for fun while I was sitting around on a Sunday afternoon, I went on NH's site and messed around with configuring a 560 Rollabelt.


At first, I thought there must've been a software problem---it came up over $58,000!  I tried a couple of times, same answer.  So I went to Tractorhouse--used at $50,000+. 


I must've been sleeping under a rock since I bought my 780A.



"I guess we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."



NH 560 prices

Kubota BX1500D information needed.

I am a newbie to tractors. I’ve had shoulder surgery on one side and am likely to have surgery on the other side as well. I have to face the fact that that I can’t do everything I used to. I have a 4.5-acre lot with a large garden. So, I wanted to be able to move snow, move dirt, mow the field and till the garden.

I have a tight budget, so I wanted to buy a used sub compact tractor.
After watching for one for a couple of years a 12-year-old Kubota BX1500 with less than 500 hours of run time became available at a reasonable price and I travelled 90 miles to purchase it. It has an LA181 FEL, a mid-mount mower, and back blade. I hope to add a snow blade and a rear tiller at some point.

The prior owner had quite bit of work done to it to make it ready for sale and provided the invoices. New seat, new belts, oil changed, filters changed, new headlight assembly and switch. Mower deck got a new wheel, new blades, and one of the spindles replaced.

But, of course, there are some issues. First, no owner’s manual. Didn’t seem like much of a problem at first as it was assumed that copies were available for download online.

It seems that is true for nearly everything other that the BX1500. It turns out this tractor was only made for three years, 2003 to 2005. Mine is a 2005. So, I went to the local dealer to see if they could order one for me. The answer was yes, and the cost was $20.
I ordered one. Turns out the dealer didn’t research enough to find out that the manual was one that superseded a previous version and now applied to BX1800 and BX2200 only.

The dealer said they couldn’t refund a special order, even if it was wrong. They also said it would be virtually the same, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

There is plenty that is not the same.
• Specifications – different engine means different fluid capacities
• 3 pt hitch – this manual says Cat 1 but dealer and others have said mine is Cat 0
• Are the dimensions really the same?
• Implement Limitations Spec Page – are they correct for the 1500?
• Instrument Panel (dash) – definitely not the same
• Fuse Block - 1800 & 2200 are different, so I suspect the 1500 is also different.

These last two points are an issue for me at the moment. The dash is missing the lens over the Low Fuel light. The graphics for the other lights have disintegrated. Upon removing the plastic face (most of the adhesive had failed) I found several socket areas to be empty with no bulb or bulb socket. I don’t know what each bulb represents and have no reference in the new manual. I have figured out a few from a 1500 specific parts manual I was able to download. Also, tail lights and turn signals not currently working.

I know there have to be others who still own and operate this little tractor. If anyone can help me with any of the above missing information I would deeply appreciate it.

Kubota BX1500D information needed.

Inexpensive Way to Get Started

samedi 18 novembre 2017

Just saw this on the local Craigslist site.  For someone just starting out, all you need is a tractor and you;'re in business.

Inexpensive Way to Get Started


Walked into Sam’s club today with my wife. My wife went over to show the greeter our membership card, I got a cart.

I turned around and a line of two families standing there with their membership cards in hand showing me them. :wall:

Well maybe that is an inclination of my next job


Blood in the Kubota

My Son Danny sent me a text this morning saying him and my Grandson Dylan got blood in the Kubota. This picture was attached. Hunting on our farm.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg IMG_7853.jpg (45.2 KB)

Blood in the Kubota

Bud Box

We have been looking at buying a crowding tub, but last night I found a website that talked about a bud box, and just had to investigate some.  It looks like a bud box works pretty darn slick,  and it may cost less to set up.  


How many of your guys use a bud box, and what is your opinion on the system?  

Bud Box

Vermeer to the rescue

Seems like guys are having alot of breakdowns this fall baling stalks.It's been a battle with wet weather and stuff getting baled tough.3 guys have called to help finish up baling after they broke down.

Vermeer to the rescue

Sprayer Maintenance/Storage Questions

We have a small boom sprayer, 3pt mounted. Does a great job, but the tank is small. With a few more fields coming online next year, I'm thinking a larger tank sprayer - especially due to the volume of liquid required when using Sevin XLR on Timothy.

With our small sprayer, we refill more than I like, but always empty the tank spraying when finished as herbicides run through it so quickly.

What about larger sprayers? Are you folks emptying them everytime and cleaning or do you let the herbicide remaining set in the sprayer tank for another Summer's day's spraying, like after first cut and fall spraying? Are you able to dial-in your herbicide such that the sprayer empties a foot from the gate as you exit the field?

I realize Round-up is a different animal and the sprayer must be thoroughly scrubbed before changing to another herbicide and it's corrosive and can damage a cast iron body pump quickly.


Sprayer Maintenance/Storage Questions

Questions about hauling a NH 1037 stacker wagon.

vendredi 17 novembre 2017

I'm looking at a stacker wagon in an auction and the machine is located in Ohio, about 310 miles from me.  If I do get this wagon, I'm probably going to tow it home myself since the cheapest price quote I've gotten for shipping is $1,500.  I do have some question about towing this machine through two other states plus my own.  Since I live here, I am pretty familiar with the NY laws governing the towing of farm equipment that is over width (the wagon is about 10 feet with the bale loader raised).  What are the rules for Ohio and Pennsylvania?  Here are some of my specific questions, but feel free to chime in with anything that I'm missing.


  1. Are there any daylight hour restrictions for towing over width equipment?
  2. What are the speed limits for needing or not needing a slow moving sign?
  3. Are warning flags on the widest parts of the equipment required?
  4. Is a safety chain required?
  5. Are there any lighting requirements? 

I do plan on using a set of magnetic trailer lights and putting a set of warning flags on the frame of the side boards.  A safety clip in the draw pin is a given.


Thanks in advance for all your help.


Questions about hauling a NH 1037 stacker wagon.

YM2000D Clutch Maybe???

Have a Yanmar 2000 deisel. Started it one morning and later that evening it would not turn over. The started just bumped the engine. So smart me bought an new battery and $100 later same problem. So again being as smart as I am I bought a starter and solenoid. $339 later same problem. Tried to pull start it but the rear wheels just slide. The motor never turns over. Can this be a stuck clutch. If so you would think that it would pull start but take off. I am at a loss. Maybe not a smart as I thought I was. LOL

YM2000D Clutch Maybe???

Vermeer XL net wrap

Thinking about "upgrading" to a Vermeer XL baler. Net wrap was an option on these balers but were troublesome! What tricks/adjustments/modifications, call it what you will, did you XL operators do to make them work and keep them working. 


Now the answers I am NOT looking for:

1) buy a different color, because we know you other colors are just jealous

2) buy an M model with wrap because I don't like to spend all my hard earned $$ on one piece of equipment.


There must have been a couple tricks that worked to make them more reliable!


Could the M wrap system be put on an L series?


Thank you in advance.

Vermeer XL net wrap

National Forage Week

In 2015 focus was brought upon our forage industry with the birth and celebration of National Forage Week. This celebration and attention helps focus attention and educate people on US forage industry. There are many facts that are interesting to know about the US forage industry, and they can be accessed for your information by this link and clicking on the "Forage Facts" numbered on the left hand side of the page. The forage week has grown surprisingly well. I can remember posting a small blurb on the "new" celebration in 2015, but not much other was said or read about it. We can use all the help we can get and if we could do one thing in the forage industry to promote our products, I think it would be to get most folks to understand how involved it is to bring a quality forage product from the ground to the market. The fourth annual National Forage Week will be celebrated June 17-23, 2018.


I also would like to thank the American Forage & Grassland Council for making this all possible. Haytalk member hay wilson in TX (Bill) loved going to the annual AFGC meetings....and this January it will be held in Louisville, KY.


Regards, Mike

National Forage Week

Turn up the kubota

jeudi 16 novembre 2017

Anyboby doing this but me.Turning up the pump plus rpm max 3600 rpm.

Turn up the kubota

Round-up Plant Back Restrictions for Grass Hay

Got a field with whatever native grasses are on it. I'd like to take a very early cutting next spring and then hit it with Round-up and plant Teff afterwards.

Later that year, I'd like to hit the field again with Round-up and fall plant Timothy.

Anyone know the plant back restrictions for Timothy and Teff for glyophate/Round-up for these grasses? I don't see any specific reference to them on the label - maybe I'm missing. Absent the label, anyone have experience planting Timothy or Teff after a Round-up application?


Round-up Plant Back Restrictions for Grass Hay

Round-up Planrpt Back Restrictions for Grass Hay

Got a field with whatever native grasses are on it. I'd like to take a very early cutting next spring and then hit it with Round-up and plant Teff afterwards.

Later that year, I'd like to hit the field again with Round-up and fall plant Timothy.

Anyone know the plant back restrictions for Timothy and Teff for glyophate/Round-up for these grasses? I don't see any specific reference to them on the label - maybe I'm missing. Absent the label, anyone have experience planting Timothy or Teff after a Round-up application?


Round-up Planrpt Back Restrictions for Grass Hay

Your must be a hay producer

This summer I was in one of the John Deere dealers looking around as I was leaving. I asked "if you want something two wheel drive around here you have to get a lawn mower". They said that is about it. I told them I had no use for a MFWD because the turning radius, extra cost and maintenance. They said you must be a hay man. They told me they don't get the 2wd unless it is a special order. Takes a couple of months. I told him no worry ... I haven't won the Lotto.

Your must be a hay producer

Your must be a hay producer

This summer I was in one of the John Deere dealers looking around as I was leaving. I asked "if you want something two wheel drive around here you have to get a lawn mower". They said that is about it. I told them I had no use for a MFWD because the turning radius, extra cost and maintenance. They said you must be a hay man. They told me they don't get the 2wd unless it is a special order. Takes a couple of months. I told him no worry ... I haven't won the Lotto.

Your must be a hay producer

Bear baiting in Meigs county Ohio

From the title, I thought bear baiting would be like a deer plot, one puts food out to draw in the bear. Wrong. It's more like cock fighting ..see below for details.
Some sickos out there. :angry:

Just down the road from me. I had never heard of this. Had you?

POMEROY, Ohio — A Meigs County man and West Virginia residents face potential felony charges after authorities interrupted an alleged event where hunting dogs were attacking a caged bear.

According to a release from the Meigs County Sheriff’s Office, the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Enforcement Division executed a search warrant along with deputies on Saturday at the residence of Clinton Bailey on Bush Road in Long Bottom. Bailey is a dangerous wild animal (DWA) permit holder who owns a bear and was allegedly charging people $20 per dog to release the canines inside an enclosure to attack the bear.

The practice, illegal under Ohio Revised Code, is known as “bearbaiting.”

Bailey, his juvenile son, seven men, two women and eight children were present at the event, the release says. Most of the participants were from West Virginia, it says.

At least one child “was observed inside an unapproved enclosure while dogs were attacking the loose bear,” the release says. Two of the males also were in possession of handguns.

“Significant video footage” of the activity was obtained by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Drone Team, the release says, with the Washington and Jackson County Sheriff’s Offices providing tactical assistance. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio State Highway Patrol also assisted.

The bear was seized by DWA program personnel. Possible charges against Bailey and all spectators present will be presented to the Meigs County prosecutor for grand jury consideration, the release says.

Bear baiting in Meigs county Ohio

Did you title your RTV?

I bought my 06 RTV900 used. I got a bill of sale and did not even ask about a title. I use the RTV only on my property so no license needed or wanted.

But I'm selling this RTV since I bought an 09 RTV 1140 from a private seller. The seller gave me paper work from where he bought the RTV (same dealer I use) but there was no title included, and once again, I did not ask him about it as I did not care. A title just means I have to pay tax on the unit.

So I'm wondering if most RTV's are titled or not. Understood that different states have different laws on this but just wondering if you have a title or not. Am is missing something if I do not get a title?

Did you title your RTV?

Kubota observations

kubota arrives tomorrow, funny thing about the Japanese their technical documentation it sucks. I first ran into this fixing my friends 1987 Kitamura CNC machine. Their drawings are like scrimshaw, tiny line drawings instead of annotated pictures and sentence structure is backwards. So instead of "let's go to the store", " store we go let's". The service manual is really a challenge to read. Even the product brochures are poor. I ordered optional CCV Joint skid plates but their were no pictures of them, I assumed they would be like the 3rd party American ones advertised. Well they weren't so I complained and they took the price off. Same with the hand throttle they show two different ones available as options again no pics and dealer didn't know the difference. Turns out the machine comes with one. However they build quality stuff, as I read through 6 years of forum posts the machine had some problems but they fixed them all. Even if was past warranty. It is old technology their isn't a single processor on whole machine. Very rugged designed to be used 60 hours a week, but lots of maintenance it has over 20 grease fittings compared to my truck which has 6 and my car none. It built like my 1966 Ford tractor. I'll never wear it out, I made them sell enough filters and oil for service out to 400 hours, and got 20% off. Turns out to have them come and get the machine and do the 50 hour service would be $400.00 and 200 service would be $600.00.

Kubota observations

Herbicide drift?

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

So one of my new seedings this year had completely died off - I was pondering whether it was just because it was a super-dry summer here in Mid-michigan, but was really not sure. Was talking to one of the old timers today and showing him the photos of before/after and he was fairly certain that it'd been sprayed. Could it be that the neighbor sprayed dicamba on his beans and it drifted over my hay field? (Edited to add that I'm not necessarily sure it was dicamba, just seems like everyone's using it around here this year on their beans).


Seeded it May 20 with 10lb alfalfa, 4lb OG, 4lb timothy, 2lb brome, got pretty good germination - here's a photo on July 27th when I did my first cutting:


2017-07-27 16.25.47-edit.jpeg


And this is the same field, in a similar location (albeit panorama shot) from November 1, before any frosts:


2017-11-01 16.29.45 Edit.jpeg


I'm really at a loss as to what would cause this apart from drift. It was dry, but we've had a ridiculous amount of rain since about october 1, and there's basically 0 regrowth.


It's only on the part of the field that directly adjoins the neighbors field. As you can see on the panorama, the left side of the field in front of the woods is nice and green.



Herbicide drift?

Herbacide drift?

So one of my new seedings this year had completely died off - I was pondering whether it was just because it was a super-dry summer here in Mid-michigan, but I'm really not sure. The more I think about it, the more I think maybe the guy sprayed Dicamba on his beans over the fence and it nailed my field. 


Seeded it May 20 with 10lb alfalfa, 4lb OG, 4lb timothy, 2lb brome, got pretty good germination - here's a photo on July 27th when I did my first cutting:


2017-07-27 16.25.47-edit.jpeg


And this is the same field, in a similar location (albeit panorama shot) from November 1, before any frosts:


2017-11-01 16.29.45 Edit.jpeg


I'm really at a loss as to what would cause this apart from drift. It was dry, but we've had a ridiculous amount of rain since about october 1, and there's basically 0 regrowth.


It's only on the part of the field that directly adjoins the neighbors field. As you can see on the panorama, the left side of the field in front of the woods is nice and green.



Herbacide drift?

Radio bracket rtv-x1100C? 2017

mardi 14 novembre 2017

This unit goes in the over head, was does it look like? Part Nos?
Does it come with machine?

Radio bracket rtv-x1100C? 2017

2011 RTV900XT Coolant Temp

lundi 13 novembre 2017

Hello All! It"s been a good while since I've participated in this great forum. Retirement has elevated my workload.

During this past summer my RTV overheated a few times. Some of you may remember previous similar issued that occurred on my boat. This time instead of replacing the thermister again, I grounded the conductor to the thermister to the frame. The results in the coolant fan to operate whenever the key switch is on. No more overheating!

I was fortunate in stopping the RTV prior to severe overheating.

Some of you recommended this approach, for which I thank you. Furthermore, a locate dealer was struggling to correct an overheating issue for a customer. They replaced related components to still have this issue. The past decision they shared with me was to power the coolant fan from the key switch. I let them in on our secret. Not sure how they went.

Best wishes to all! Philip

2011 RTV900XT Coolant Temp

Does anyone know what this is?

Picked up a cabinet that my daughter purchased and brought it home. Needs work but my daughter is the one to do it.

When I got it home I noticed this doohickey on and between the upper doors. Does anyone know what it is. Two pictures, one close up and one full blown.

Does anyone know what this is?

Current Hay Report.

From Progressive Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike

Current Hay Report.

Repairing an old hay elevator motor

Got an old Emerson Electric 1 hp, 115v motor on my hay ladder that isn't working. The start capacitor is shot & the specs aren't readable. Company has been sold & has no info on the motor. Anyone have any specs/info on a replacement capacitor ??  Really prefer not to replace the whole motor.   thks

Repairing an old hay elevator motor

Car tires on 1100c

Any ideas for a rim conversion to enable using car tires on my buggy? I have the newer style 4-hole rims. I use my machine for transportation on streets in a village and would like to use a siped car tire. Better traction on ice and should roll easier.

Car tires on 1100c

New Holland BR series nose roll failure

We almost lost our older BR780A last week because of this failure due to fire. The operator was alert and did everything right and saved the baler from burning. I see that the new roller is designed slightly differently than the old on.  The new roller had the inner disc located about an inch farther away from the outer disc.  See second pic with the tape measure, the indentation in the tube is where the inner disc is welded to the tube.  Good chance that NH had some trouble with these failing.  The old roller did have 21,000 bales on it.

FCACD6F0-2B07-4B24-B038-0E80C46C766D.jpeg 26939B86-3A9F-4C80-B6AA-D51E43A5BCC0.jpeg

New Holland BR series nose roll failure

John Deere Field Cultivator

dimanche 12 novembre 2017

Can anyone help with a model number for this JD field field cultivator

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20171112_135724.jpg
  • 20171112_135735.jpg

John Deere Field Cultivator

No-tilling small seeded hay crops into heavy residue

samedi 11 novembre 2017

I get excellent stands of alfalfa, Timothy, and other very small seeds with my JD 1590 drill when no-tilling into minimal and low residue conditions. However I struggle to get a stand of these small seeded crops when planting into heavier residue situations. I have no problems getting good stands of small grains and soybeans in heavier residue conditions so I know the drill is capable of cutting through the residue. I think the issue is since the small seeds need to be planted so shallow (1/4") that it is difficult to get through all residue when planting that shallow......or the small seedlings just can't make it up through all the trash if they do get in the ground.

I had this issue again this fall when planting Timothy into oat straw that was not baled. In the pictures you can see that there is a great stand where the straw is thin but in the areas of heavier straw almost nothing came up. Is there anything I can do different to be able to get good stands in these conditions?
image.jpeg image.jpeg

No-tilling small seeded hay crops into heavy residue

Veteran's Day

I want to thank all of you that have protected us from foreign threats and kept us safe from those dangers. I appreciate your bravery and how it has allowed us to live in freedom . I thank the Lord for your service and for His hand in protecting our country. God Bless America . bordercollie aka judy

Veteran's Day

Hay seeder decision time.

Next spring and fall I'm going to be planting about 80 ac of new hay. My current planter is a 15 foot Great Plains no till drill with no till coulter cart grass seed box and 7.5 spacing. I'm strongly considering selling it and replace with a dedicated seeder for two reasons. 1.) I'm. Not going to plant beans with it because I have access to a DB 60 planter. 2.) I feel the 7.5 inch spacing is too wide for alfalfa and grass.

With all of that said I'm considering two seeders. The tried and true Brillion, and the newer Land Pride NTS 25. I really like the idea of the land pride with the spiked no till roller for renovating pastures and possibly being able to no till seed alfalfa/orchard grass directly into bean stubble. What do the experts of hay talk think? Has anyone seen a NTS25 in action? Are they as as good as a Brillion? Thank you

Hay seeder decision time.

FS: 2006 Kubota RTV900

vendredi 10 novembre 2017

Who needs a nice side by side but does not want to buy new?

2006 Kubota RTV 900 w/ Camo package. 3 cyl Kubota diesel with 872 hours, in perfect running condition. This past summer I purchased a new battery and had the front u joints replaced by Kubota Dealer. Bed will haul 1100 pounds and it has hydraulic dump. The RTV 900 can tow up to 2000 pounds. RTV also has the hand throttle add on.

Attached at the bottom is the parts and prices for the u-joint repair.

Located in South Eastern Ohio.

Attached Images

FS: 2006 Kubota RTV900

Using pallets on a New Holland Balewagon

 I have been using pallets on my balewagon for a while now I got the idea from Rodney here on haytalk and it has been a lot of discussion about it on here so I finally figured out how to make a youtube video it is in 4 parts and if you want to learn how to do it just watch the video I hope I explained it so you can understand it and I show you another trick that I read about here on haytalk but changed a little I hope this helps you because it has sure made balewagon life a lot easier. New Holland had better get busy making more balewagons because this system is the cat's meow

Using pallets on a New Holland Balewagon

how you can bale when its really wet

how you can bale when its really wet

USCA sends letter to Senate panel about Wild Horse & Burro Act


In my opinion they should make dog food out of all those horses that can't be adopted.  Of course we are going to see all those do gooder animal activist oppose this.    

USCA sends letter to Senate panel about Wild Horse & Burro Act

sear covers for X1100C

i have decided to put some seat covers on the X1100c. my dog toenails are hard on the rubber. does anyone have experience and suggestions of a good cover???

sear covers for X1100C

Northern Beef.Aberdeen SD

They just built this a few years ago.

Northern Beef.Aberdeen SD

The Curious Case Of Reed Canary Grass.

jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Hay and Forage Grower.


Regards, Mike

The Curious Case Of Reed Canary Grass.

Buzzer for emergency brake.

I have a 2010 1100CWX that has a light in the dash panel for when you put on the emergency brake. When I use it before I exit and come back later the steering wheel is in the wrong position so you don't see it.
My solution was to put a buzzer under the brake arm. I took a push button, normally closed (refrigerator push button), a piezo electric buzzer (3- 12 DCV.) and mounted them in a small plastic box about an 1" high ( I used a top part of a old chain saw blade two part box and shorten it and sealed the end with duct tape, quiets the sound some. Note they don’t sell them in this type box anymore. Mounted the whole thing under the brake arm (with the button lining up with the arm) with industrial strength Velcro. I daisy chain 4 capacitors to make it pulse beep (you can find one that does without modifying but a little higher priced). For power, after removing lower side cover I found a 4 connector plug separate from the panel under the second fuse panel. I located one that turns off with key switch. Ground wire was at the mount for a celluloid.

Probably more than one way to do this but had all but one item to make this.

Here are some parts I used:

Buzzer for emergency brake.

john deere 582 silage special maxicut, slow door close

hey all.

need some help the boss got a john deere 582 silage special round baler bout a year ago has 38** through it. ran fine last fall and beginning of this year. after second crop the tractor has to be idles down to get the door to close. put it in float and it seems to go down faster than power down???the boss had the cylinders off and the distribution block off the front and checked by our local hyd. shop (all good there). tried on several tractors and even a skid steer, no thing seemed to work, the door comes down fine until about 4foot off the ground then its time to grab a sandwich. need help fellers.

john deere 582 silage special maxicut, slow door close

Rock Salt for Hay Preservative ???????

I've read a bunch of posts on various forums where some folks will sprinkle rock salt on the layers of square bales as they stack them. They make it sound like the cure for high moisture hay as it dries our the hay and prevents dust and mold.

I'm having a hard time with this one.

Rock salt on squares - does it really work and if so - how and if it really works, why aren't we all using it or university studies recommending it?

Rock Salt for Hay Preservative ???????

front a arm bushings

2014 X-900
600 hours
3600 miles

Had to replace the front upper A arm bushings on both sides along with 1 lower ball joint. All were wore pretty bad. It had gotten so it would wander on my gravel driveway. Now it tracks straight and also rides much better across the fields. No grease fitting on the ball joint, but I've always been meticulous about greasing everything. Hope the replacements last longer than the originals.

front a arm bushings

Krone 5.50 4x7T out of time

mercredi 8 novembre 2017

My auction find from a couple weeks back for a mere $825, cheap enough I thought. Problem is the 3rd rotor seems to be halfway out of time meaning it's in the same position as rotors 2 and 4 causing them to hit. My question is what could cause this and how does one resolve this problem?

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.png
  • image.png
  • image.png

Krone 5.50 4x7T out of time


Going pickup new unit Monday after noon. Since delivery and pickup is not covered under warranty, I don't want to get it home and find something simple didn't get checked. So I was thinking of doing the neutral inspection. After being warmed up raise the rear wheels use the hand throttle and see if wheels turn in neutral. That should tell me is the HST linked is adjusted and the neutral press has been set correctly. Any suggestions appreciated! AC & HEAT



Tedder Krone vs Kuhn

Thinking about upgrading to a new tedder, About 12 years ago I had a Kuhn, had No problems with it, but it was 3 point, and I hated that part, So I sold and bought a Krone, had several flat tires & cracked wheels, wobbles in transport position,  The new Krone supposedly address these problems (bigger tires, etc) & has more adjustments than my older model.

Same dealer, he puts them side X side and says 80% of buyers choose the Krone because it looks heavy duty, ( 300+ lbs bigger tires etc ), although it cost $400 more than Kuhn.

So my question is does anyone have experience with the KW.5.52/4x7T vs GF5202THA on ruff hillside land?









Tedder Krone vs Kuhn

Anyone Using Hydraulic Lift for RTVX?

We are interested in using our X-1120D to create and maintain feed plots. UTV Hitchworks makes a hydraulic list that can be used to support several implements.

Does anyone have experience with this product?

If so, what implements have you used?


Anyone Using Hydraulic Lift for RTVX?

New tractor!

mardi 7 novembre 2017

I traded in my 2816 with about 800 hours on it for a brand new 4035HST with a loader this spring. Now at about 100 hours and first oil change. I really like this tractor!

New tractor!

john deere 459 silage special slow door close

hey all.

need some help the boss got a john deere 459 silage special round baler bout a year ago has 38** through it. ran fine last fall and beginning of this year. after second crop the tractor has to be idles down to get the door to close. put it in float and it seems to go down faster than power down???the boss had the cylinders off and the distribution block off the front and checked by our local hyd. shop (all good there). tried on several tractors and even a skid steer, no thing seemed to work, the door comes down fine until about 4foot off the ground then its time to grab a sandwich. need help fellers.

john deere 459 silage special slow door close

decided to check spark arrestor

at almost 500 hours and 2900 miles i decided to check the spark arrestor on my X1100C. took out the plug tapped on the muffler revved up the engine ran it around tapped some more revved it up again and again. nothing came out. clean as a whistle.:wow:

decided to check spark arrestor

Loving Forests To Death.

Preservationist are killing our forests with love....Conservationist are trying to save them....from wildfires.  From the Boone & Crockett organization.


Regards, Mike

Loving Forests To Death.

2017 Western Kentucky 2800 Acre Corn Field Harvest.

Interesting BTO operation.


Regards, MIke


2017 Western Kentucky 2800 Acre Corn Field Harvest.

Overlapping Residual Herbicides.

Research from Western Illinois Univ.    Growing TN.


Regards, Mike

Overlapping Residual Herbicides.

T&H Baler Twine 7000 Ft 280 Lb Tensile Poly Tying Twine for Square Baler, Blue

Product link:


T&H comes in 4 range of twines with a combination of features like superior knot strength and length, making them
a very popular option on the market for your baling needs. As an important part of T&H family,
TH-280 is reliable and specifically designed to pack small square hay. 

Model: TH-280
Knot Strength: 280lb/130kg
Length: 7000'/2130m
Weight: 22lb/10kg
Color: Blue

Offering extra length compared with standard one, thus helps save money and time.
Smooth texture prevents knot slippage and guarantees less wear on knotters.
Perfect spool shape ensures trouble free running in the baler.
High strength maximizes the knotting performance.
Superior uniformity ensures better quality hay.
UV stabilized for longer outdoor storage.
Guaranteed to run in most balers.

For a larger order, we shall have some discount, please feel free to contact us by ebay messages.


T&H Baler Twine 7000 Ft 280 Lb Tensile Poly Tying Twine for Square Baler, Blue

Slow HST Servo Adjust?

lundi 6 novembre 2017

After reading on multiple forums some 900/1100 are challenged by inclines. Starting from simple to hard
HST suction filter clogged, change filters put in SUPER UDT2 semi synthetic
Link's between pedal and HST and Engine and idle solenoid
Servo adjust high pressure side HST.

My manual has not come in yet for my 2017 RTV-X1100C so anybody point me to threads that talk link adjustment and servo setting appreciated.

Does manual go through all this?

Slow HST Servo Adjust?

Weed Management Toughens.



Regards, Mike

Weed Management Toughens.

Will it pull it

My old NH 489 Haybine was becoming frequent trouble so I sold it after the season. Looking to replace with a used discbine. Will pull it with an IH 686 with after market turbo probably kicking out 75 - 80 pto hp. Have been looking for a NH 1409 or H7220, or comparable Case models DCX91 or DC92, all in the range of ~9 ft. cutting width. But those models are harder to find vs the 10+ ft. NH 1411 or H7230 (Case models would be DCX101 or DC102). I have no experience with pulling a disc mower conditioner so I'm in need of some seasoned advice. Would those bigger mowers simply be too much for my 686? Thanks in advance for your input.

Will it pull it

New Holland self propelled baler

dimanche 5 novembre 2017

I found a NH 1426 self propelled baler locally, I don't know anything about these things and was wondering if it would be worth getting my hands on. I will be doing about 2000 bales with it a year. Any info on theses would be great

New Holland self propelled baler

Skid Steer Demand.

Machinery Pete. AgWeb.


We should also ask our resident skid steer expert PaMike what he is seeing in his part of the country.


Regards, Mike

Skid Steer Demand.

Degelman Protill for breaking up sod

samedi 4 novembre 2017

Anyone ever used a Degelman Protill to break up land? I had talked to a neighbor about breaking up some hayground for me that had been in alfalfa for 7 years. I was going to rent a Summers diamond disk and hire him to pull it with his Case IH quadtrac. Way faster than me pulling our 18ft offset. Well he was renting a Protill from an area dealer and he told me it would do a better job than the summers disk. It was a 40ft machine pulled behind a 620 hp quadtrac and it made short work of breaking up that hayland. One pass on one field and it was smooth and looks about ready to seed into. The other field he did 2 passes as it was a little rougher from mole hills. 2 passes made about a perfect seedbed. I was really impressed with that machine. What he did in 2 passes would have taken me 4 or more passes with our disk to make it look even close. I wish I'd have taken before and after pictures. 

Degelman Protill for breaking up sod

Rhino Gator tires

Has anyone on here tried Rhino Gator tires on your pivot? I’m thinking of it. They are more expensive then regular tires, but add the cost and hassle of mounting regular tires they are about the same.

Rhino Gator tires


I was watching the Cashman's hay tip video on the alfalfa forum and was wondering if anyone was using the RECON 300 or similar machine. Back in the early 70's we ran a 7' NH mower with hitch and PTO that could run a JD crimper behind it. This RECON looks like a bigger version with tedder arms. If you cut with a mower conditioner is this machine worth the investment or is it a cheaper alternative buying a disk-mower and a RECON verses buying a disk-bine and tedder.   


New holland 851 round baler twine arm problem

Having trouble with the twin twine arms on the baler not travelling the full cycle, preventing twine wrapping bales successfully. Arms start travelling downwards ok but stops after about 5 inches and re-engages a bit later as it comes back up. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm more experienced with small square bales.

New holland 851 round baler twine arm problem

International 370 disk

vendredi 3 novembre 2017

Just picked up a International 370 disk.  We will have to work on one of the gangs. but I think we got it bought worth the money.  

International 370 disk

CK20S kioti putting mahindra 3710 backhoe on kioti pto for pump???

I got a really good deal on a backhoe off 3316 mahindra tractor the backhoe is a 3710.. it is set up for a 33 hp 4.7gpm pump ,dont konow pto HP,I was wondering if i put a hydrualic pump on pto of kioti which has 16 to 17 hp on the pto will it be enough to run the hoe without tearing anything up like the pto. I dont have any problem fabbing and fitting the hoe to the kioti but i wanna use an external pump if i can just in case i tear something up i can still use the tractor and front loader plus the kioti does'nt have wet lines and uncertain about where to put a T inline for in and out safely, dealer said they dont have wet lines for mine and stopped makeing them a few years ago plus it would cost more to put them on than it would be to put a pump on pto so what do you guys think can i put a pump on pto safely or is it a bad idea?

CK20S kioti putting mahindra 3710 backhoe on kioti pto for pump???

Krone Mower

jeudi 2 novembre 2017

If anyone is looking for a gently used 13' mower on a bodacious caddy here it is.

img (2).jpg


Krone Mower

X1120 Center Caps (Hub Covers)

We love our X1120 but I have never been fond of the aluminum rims. Too fancy for our red clay mud.

I was blessed to find four Kubota factory steel rims in mint condition. All I had to do was purchase some center caps which were pretty reasonable.

These center caps are flexible rubber material, not the hard plastic ones that I imagined would slip through the backside of the rim and be held against the hub.

So I am wondering if you just squeeze these flexible things over the hub before you mount the rim then maybe vacuum holds them on.

I won't be able to get to this job until next weekend but thought I would check to see if any of you have worked with these little buggars.


X1120 Center Caps (Hub Covers)

Haygrazer Killing Me This Year

Been putting up haygrazer for over 20yrs, and never had issues like this year.


Always baled it with a NH846 chain baler............absolutely no issues, bales like a dream.


Switched to a NH650 last year, and barely made it thru the field.  Stinkin' machine won't start a bale.  Core refuses to tumble,, and you wind up digging it out.


This is what I handle on a yearly basis.


Is there a belt style out there that will start a roll on the belt baler, the 650 has standard mini rough top belts.  Or is there a belt baler out there that will ACTUALLY handle this kind of crop.


I have no intentions of putting it up as haylage, and only interested in hay.


To finish up this year I'm relying on a NH853 I picked up a few years back.  Tired of fighting with belt balers for now, I gotta roll this stuff up before it SNOWS :mad: .





Haygrazer Killing Me This Year

timothy seeding

anyone have experience with no till timothy want to plant into field that was canola this year irrigated field and would like opinions  should i stay with conventional or would i still get good results with no till thanks 

timothy seeding

Massey Ferguson 9900 series swathers

mercredi 1 novembre 2017

Did anyone here have a chance to demo one of the 9900 series rotaries this summer?  I am interested in how it compared to the current 9800 series.

Massey Ferguson 9900 series swathers

Southeast Hay Farmers Opinions Wanted

I'm in the market for a new hay cutter.


I've narrowed it down to the Krone EC280, EC280CV (tine conditioner), and the New Holland H7320.


Any of y'all went from a disc mower without conditioner to a disc mower with a conditioner?  Was it worth it in the southeast?  How much faster did your hay dry?

Southeast Hay Farmers Opinions Wanted