New to this market, Seeking Alfalfa growers.

jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Not familiar with this market, I've been in need of some solid contacts to buy premium Alfalfa. I'll be totally honest, I thought this industry would be easy, not so much. I've been searching for a few weeks (via) internet , phone and associations in this industry and I'm having a hard time finding the right growers. I hoping this community can help me out. A little background on me , I work with a development investment company here in the states, we have offices in Idaho, Arizona and California. We have partner up with a new corporation which has a large need for the Alfalfa product. So let me get down to the nuts and bolts , We are looking for premium alfalfa, 20,000 tons per month, 240,000 tons a year. We are willing to service a 3 year contact to start if things go well with the growers relationship. We have funding in place for this venture. We have a partner company that will handle of shipping needs from the grower. On one more note. I know the hay industry is a hard working group of people and sometimes the market place can be unfair to this industry. The group I work with will work from the ground up to make it fair for all involved and we take pride in making strong working relationships. I want to thank you for the time on reading my post.    

New to this market, Seeking Alfalfa growers.

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