Home made grapple/accumulator

jeudi 18 janvier 2018

Hey everyone,


I just wanted to share a build that I' working on, in case anyone is interested. I'm building an 8 bale accuma-grapple that's kind of modeled off the Maxilator, but by no means a copy. I took general design concepts from them from pictures on the web and a few others to concoct what this has become.


My operation consists of pretty much me and my wife, but mostly me because I usually take vacation to knock out first cutting. I've always wanted a maxilator type thing, but could never afford one, so I figured I'd build one. So far I'm in just under $1000, and about to complete it. 


I tried to upload pictures, but photobucket has become a joke. If anyone has suggestions on how to get pics on here without using them, I would appreciate it.



If interested here are a few videos, part 1,2 and 3. Part 4 will be out in a couple days, and I'm sure part 5 will be the completion video.


Best regards,




Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk6hW-gdNT4&t=25s


Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj-Nmk4IhWk


Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BeKYVb5i2Q



Home made grapple/accumulator

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