2018 Haying/farming pictures

samedi 13 janvier 2018

Happy New Years folks.   Time to start the 2018 haying pictures.   I'll start off.   I'm in Panama right now.   Attached are a couple pictures.   The first is my youngest son and his cousin riding a horse in a newly built horse arena my in laws have built.   2nd is a picture of they hay they buy here.   Baling hay in Panama has become a thing the last couple years here.   I was told that 3 years ago hay bales were $10 a bale.  Now more people are baling hay so it is down to $5.   I don't think it looks very good, but I imagine haying here is much like haying in the deep south and Florida.   Lots of humidity.  They say the horses seem to like eating dry hay better then the pasture hay.    I've noticed hay balers for sale now at the farm equipment dealers here.   Some weird orange balers at one dealer.   I don't know the brand yet, but I don't see a fly wheel.   The 3rd pic is some of my inlaws land from my drone.   They run a cement form making business where they make culverts and the like (huge paying business for them).   The new arena on the right and their home.   I guess they are planning on having horse events at some point as they are currently building some grandstands.   They've imported several horses from the U.S.  Including the one in the picture.  


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2018 Haying/farming pictures

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