losing bushing on haybine again... what am I doing wrong?

mercredi 11 juillet 2018

I've been using an old NH 469 and last year and this year I wore out the bushing for the blade head NH PN 134182. These suckers cost $42 each. Last year was my first year with the cutter and the guy I bought it from didn't take great care of anything so I sorta figured it was just worn out. This year, after about 40 acres later, it went out again. I assume there are "best practices" or something to look for that might cause premature wear on these, or do they really only last so long? It's been weedy mulch hay but IMO nothing too crazy. Before I curse at the machine I figure I should curse at myself (but it does make me want a discbine pretty bad)

losing bushing on haybine again... what am I doing wrong?

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