Happy New Year!!!!!
Anyone Have Experience with Everything Grapple?
The everything grapple appears to be more heavily built, has serrated teeth to get a better hold on things and has stops to prevent the root fingers from digging too deep.
Anyone have experience with these?
Thanks in advance.
Anyone Have Experience with Everything Grapple?
Coast Behavior on X1120D
So here are my questions.
1. Is this low-gear behavior normal for an X model RTV?
2. If it is normal, would a replacement coast valve help alleviate the hard stop or is that already built into the...
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Coast Behavior on X1120D
Bobcat/ Hay handler hookup
mercredi 30 décembre 2020
I'm operating a Bobcat S750 I purchased in the summer. I used it with a log grapple in the summer and everything worked perfectly. I recently purchased a new Steffens Hay handler grapple with a rotation feature. The unit uses a spitter valve to power the rotation device.
The hydraulics operating the grapple hooks works great but when I hit the switch to rotate the load, it jerks as if it is going to move but stops.
I've tested the electric hookup and have 12.5 volts to the splitter. Steffens gave me a new splitter valve to try with the same results. They also tested the unit on a different machine and it worked fine.
Apparently there is something about this Bobcat that is causing problems....... any thoughts, I'm about out of ideas and I have a barn full of hay to move.
Bobcat/ Hay handler hookup
RTV X1100C Accessory Lights Install
mardi 29 décembre 2020
The Kubota oem rocker switch is not illuminating. Should it be? My rocker switches on the X900 all illuminated.
I’ll post pics of the install as I complete them.
RTV X1100C Accessory Lights Install
Claas Versus Krone
What do you guys run out there for tripple mowers? Have herd lots of positive on both Claas and Krone, Like the sheer hub design on the Krone Versus the Claas. So what is the good bad and ugly on these mowers? Also how do the roll conditioners hold up on these machines?
Claas Versus Krone
MF 1839 Baler Hydraulic Bale Tension Pump Issue
Greetings all.
I had a weird occurrence with my MF1839 small square baler this week. While parked in the barn, the oil in the reservoir on the hydraulic bale tension pump leaked all over my barn floor. Based on where the dirt is washed away, it appears the oil leaked out the pump drive shaft. Here's the odd part. I haven't baled hay since late September (today is December 29th). For the last 12 weeks, there has not been a drop of oil on the floor then suddenly all three quarts are on the floor. A few days ago, we had a cold spell in these parts (Western PA) and the overnight low dropped to the mid single digits. I am wondering if the temperature swings would cause some kind of expansion/contraction that cause a seal to fail.
I have owned the baler for two seasons. Bought it used when it was about 7 years old. During the two hay seasons I have used it, the hydraulic bale system didn't lose a drop of oil. (And I check the reservoir level before every baling day.) So the seals were all good when I parked it in late September.
Any thoughts on why the oil reservoir would suddenly drain out? This wasn't the first time the baler has been in my barn through a cold snap.
And even more important, does AGCO sell a repair kit for the pump?
Any insights on what the heck is going on are welcome.
And so much for Dad's old adage that "equipment never breaks just sitting in the barn" ....
MF 1839 Baler Hydraulic Bale Tension Pump Issue
Steel versus Rubber conditioner rolls
lundi 28 décembre 2020
Looking at buying newer tripple mower that has steel conditioner rolls. Would have liked rubber rolls, what are the pros and cons of steel rolls?
Steel versus Rubber conditioner rolls
Cleaning up a fence line
A while back I sprayed 4 miles of fence line with Remedy plus a surfactant. It did a great job on the cactus and mesquite but i was totally disappointed in the results killing the KR Bluestem. Any suggestions on the best product to take that out? Too late in the year now due to colder weather? We still get some 80 degree days, just not many. Suggestions?
Cleaning up a fence line
Rtv 900 wont respond to ignition switch
Rtv 900 wont respond to ignition switch
Hay Cradle vs. Hay Ring?
dimanche 27 décembre 2020
Hoping to get opinions on each. A neighbor has a ring and a cradle in the same feed area and the cradle always get emptied first and fast. I am not certain how to gauge this.
Hay Cradle vs. Hay Ring?
Turbo or Not
Don't get me wrong, I love this thing and would not be without it. It is my WORKHORSE and MY Hunt Buddy also. I just wonder if a Turbo would be worth the investment. I really have had no Major troubles with this machine.
I have never had the Kubota people adjust any of...
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Turbo or Not
Chrome Stacks on RTV 1100 ,, ah oh oh ohohhh
I mentioned one time I was running out of mods and accessories.,( I am still considering the Turbo)
Some one said More CHROME .
This guy took it to the next level !
Chrome Stacks on RTV 1100 ,, ah oh oh ohohhh
Tire Sealant Recommendations
I now have this little RV-X900 and run it on the ranch where mesquite thorns are still a problem and this last weekend...
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Tire Sealant Recommendations
Which baler,y’all?? 336-273= ????
Which baler,y’all?? 336-273= ????
Parts for Curtis plow hydraulic lift conversion
Lift cylinder 2X4X1.125 SAE8 - size OK? $59.95...
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Parts for Curtis plow hydraulic lift conversion
Thanks Santa !
vendredi 25 décembre 2020
Skid Steer for Hay Operation
jeudi 24 décembre 2020
I have been thinking about adding a skid steer/compact track loader to our operation. The main uses would be to load and unload hay, cleaning out cattle barns, loading chicken litter into spreaders, spreading gravel, and other loader jobs around the farm. I bale with a Vermeer 504R that I stack 2 high on a trailer and 3 high at the barn. What machines are you guys running on your farm and what are your likes and dislikes about them?
Skid Steer for Hay Operation
Coast Valve for RTV 900
I've seen the Replacement Coast Valves on Epay for around $160 I'm an Old Tool Maker and hate to get Ripped off for a product that could be Machined in about and Hour! But not everyone has a Lath or know how to make them!!
I think somewhere back in my Feeble Brain or what's Left of it can remember someone talking about an adjustment that helps the SUDDEN Stops, without replacing the...
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Coast Valve for RTV 900
Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas
Just thanks
mercredi 23 décembre 2020
Sometimes I don't know exactly where to post, but I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for trusting me with your comments. Thanks for being real. I appreciate this community.
Just thanks
Rake wheel silencer
Does anyone have any experience with these? Does hay catch on them? What did you pay? https://www.hygradeengineering.com/products/the-silencer/
Rake wheel silencer
Check your Flooorboard !
Using a big screwdriver, I tapped harshly and then used a ratcheting end wrench on the shoulders of the Kobalt screwdriver (nice feature) . Each one broke loose like a piece...
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Check your Flooorboard !
mardi 22 décembre 2020
I've already tried LA 200, Draxxin, Exceed,and Nuflor. It's going on 2 months and the steer is still poor. I've got it isolated, feeding grain with molasses and my best hay. It's still coughing but not as much. Do you think there's any benefit in trying anything else.
Hydraulic components
lundi 21 décembre 2020
Hydraulic components
Kicker wheel
Kicker wheel
MF 1359 Discbine - Steel Rolls
dimanche 20 décembre 2020
The machine doesn’t crimp to my satisfaction. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving?
MF 1359 Discbine - Steel Rolls
Kubota RTV x1100c first impressions after 10 miles test drive
So impressed with this machine. Having owned a 2006 RTV900 and a 2009 RTV 1140 I've spent plenty of hours in the seat of an RTV. This 2015 version has quite a few improvements from teh older RTV's I have owned.
Some of the pluses:
1. Split seats instead of bench seat.
2. Hydrostat...
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Kubota RTV x1100c first impressions after 10 miles test drive
05 RTV900
05 RTV900
RTV's Wanted or For Sale ..post em here.
All bids must be received by Thurs April 21, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
Contact Mike Snead at (325) 776-3807 or mike @ bigcountry . coop. (remove the spaces) Their website is www.bigcountry.coop...
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RTV's Wanted or For Sale ..post em here.
New Kubota RTV-X1100C Owner and one issue so far
samedi 19 décembre 2020

I installed an aftermarket radio and it works great.
That is the only add-on I have made so far. I say...
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New Kubota RTV-X1100C Owner and one issue so far
Lets talk tires one more time
Mainly, I notice most buy the same width all around. I think OEM for the x1100c is 9 on front and 11 on the rear, or even 12" on the rear (25x12x12)
Like most I want more height so I'm leaning going to a 27x9x12 front and 27x11x12 rear. I need a tire good in mud so I'm primarily looking at the infamous Blackwater evolution and also considering Tusk Terrabite.
when I bought my Honda Pioneer 1000...
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Lets talk tires one more time
New to me 2015 Kubota RTV x1100c
2015 Kubota RTV x1100c, 220 hours, 677 miles. I love the H and L without the M. I put it in H and was able to go up a hill that would have required M in my other RTV's. (900 and 1140).
Here are some pics of my new baby and a couple with the Honda beside it. The Honda is a dirty girl...
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New to me 2015 Kubota RTV x1100c
Monosem- John Deere
It's been 5 yrs since JD bought out Monosem and I can't find any Videos on Monosem younger than 7 yrs, I know they're still in business, buy why stop the promoting of their products? Any one has any thoughts? Just curious.
Monosem- John Deere
American Eagle RTV 500 Plow
vendredi 18 décembre 2020
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American Eagle RTV 500 Plow
Hay getting bound up in the rake wheel
I could really use some advice around a frustrating problem I was having over last season. I have a Vermeer WR20 8 wheel rake that has a tendency to get grass wrapped up around the wheel bearings, especially in what was tall grass. Even more specifically, it's typically the rear two wheels.
Outside of cutting the grass when it's shorter (not always a thing I can do) is there anything I could be doing different to avoid this problem from happening? I'm definitely new to hay and as I've expanded by operation to different fields this last year I'm starting to run into this problem.
Thank you in advance!
Hay getting bound up in the rake wheel
Monosem- John Deer
It's been 5 yrs since JD bought out Monosem and I can't find any Videos on Monosem younger than 7 yrs, I know they're still in business, buy why stop the promoting of their products? Any one has any thoughts? Just curious.
Monosem- John Deer
Do all RTV 1100's have heat?
Looks like a cream puff. A girls dad passed away. He was 81 and the owner.
She is hadleing the estate and selling it for the family.
I know her and her hubby from the yacht club we were in a few years back.
They listed A/C in the add but said not sure of heat. I'm betting it does but if not is heat heard to add?
It has the fully enclosed cab with roll up windows, wipers a winch. Always kept inside. One owner.
There is a good...
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Do all RTV 1100's have heat?
Thanks, Bill
Wheel Rake Adjustment.
I plan on doing baleage this coming season and i really don't want to buy another rake, is it possible to raise the teeth off the ground a half inch or so and the rake still do its job? From what i understand one does not want dirt in baleage.
Wheel Rake Adjustment.
Hay field - pasture renovator
jeudi 17 décembre 2020
Hay field - pasture renovator
How expensive and or hard to convert a manual RTV 900 bed to hydraulic?
mercredi 16 décembre 2020
How expensive and or hard to convert a manual RTV 900 bed to hydraulic?
Net Wrap Assist
Maybe this was posted before and I missed it (good possibility, with my hard drive storage getting close to being overloaded), but I thought I'd post anyhow. This might just keep me in the RB net wrap loading mode for a couple of extra years.
The make them for Red, Green & Yellow balers. Maybe you can put it on your late Christmas list, at least it could arrive before next haying season. Just showed my BB (Boss-Banker) and she said 'get it', gotta' love her.
Wait maybe she's trying to keep me out in the field for some odd reason.
Net Wrap Assist
Small Baler and Small Tractor - Round or squares??
mardi 15 décembre 2020
Throwing around the idea of getting a Baler, Planning on planting roughly 10 acres of alfalfa/grass mixture and wanting information opinions on what type of baler would be the best for my operation. I'm wanting to grass feed some cattle for market and I'm wanting to make the the most out of my acres. I have 4 tractors that would be candidates for haying and not looking to get another tractor for financial reasons Farmall H, Farmall M (wide front), John Deere 4400 (compact tractor roughly 30ish at the pto, has a loader that could lift small rounds), and A 4320 (Compact tractor roughly 40 at the pto). I Have no haying equipment so any recommendations for my operation would be greatly appreciated. I don't know how well my 4320 would pull a 1734 (3x4) round baler or if I would be better off making small squares (Have Storage Space for about 1000 small squares. On a 6 acre patch I plan on planting there is a slight incline which makes me skeptical of a small tractor pulling a round baler up a hill.
-Still alot of planning in the process and I've talked to someone and they recommended that I come here
-Currently own a strawberry business so this is the reason for 4 low horse tractors
- All information is appreciated, Thanks for your time
Small Baler and Small Tractor - Round or squares??
Thought it might come in handy for some one ?

WSM RTV-X1120D WORKSHOP MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib

Hayliner 68 stationery knife
Hayliner 68 stationery knife
Kubota rtv x1100c year identification
lundi 14 décembre 2020
The name is Jonathan. I bought a used x 1100 but not sure what year it is. Is there a place on the machine with it marked?
Kubota rtv x1100c year identification
Hydraulic Pump Rebuilder
I rebuilt the top cover with new piston, cylinder and rings a few years ago and I suspect the safety valve is leaking.
If I am going to drain the fluid so I can replace that valve, I might as well rebuild the pump. It is the one component I have never touched. By the way, I have huge hands and a couple of bad discs in my back so its very difficult...
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Hydraulic Pump Rebuilder
Battery Update
It was a DEKA battery and was according to the original label, was manufactured by East Penn manufacturing of PA.
I am a price checker so I checked a number of places including the Kubota dealer. My dealer was honest and said their replacement batteries are made by Interstate - which is fine battery - but the made in Japan DEKA...
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Battery Update
Pendulum Type Fertilizer Spreader Recommendations
It would be nice to find one that could handle a one ton bag of fertilizer.
A few questions:
How do these pendulum type spreaders handle slags, do they have screens or agitators that pulverize them? I’d hate to have a loaded spreader clogged from within.
Can these spreaders spread lime in addition to fertilizer?
I’ve seen a few Vicon spreaders, don’t know anything about them, durability, parts situation, etc.
Any sage advice and recommendations regarding pendulum type 3pt mounted fertilizer spreaders is much appreciated.
Pendulum Type Fertilizer Spreader Recommendations
6110 with 620 loader
dimanche 13 décembre 2020
Any ideas on where to start would be greatly appreciated.
6110 with 620 loader
Dual Battery Setup Help
Dual Battery Setup Help
Zero Turn Mower roll call
I like the idea of a diesel like Kubota offered but I could not swing the price so I bought a Scag Wildcat and later moved to the Scag Cheetah. Love the way they mow. I'll never go back to mowing the ole fashioned way.
How bout you? Do you own a zero turn mower?
Zero Turn Mower roll call
John deere 7000 corn meter
samedi 12 décembre 2020
John deere 7000 corn meter
Lump Jaw
I bought a young cow at the sale the other day and she has a lump under the jaw. I was hoping it would not be solid, but it is. Now its not attached to the jaw, it's just hanging under the jaw. Any suggestions what I should do, other than get the calf out of her and sell her next year.
Lump Jaw
Feeding Rich Alfalfa Hay to beef cattle
mercredi 9 décembre 2020
I have purchased some second cut alfalfa hay, it is dry hay in 4x5' round bales. It was really dry here in Southern Ontario this past summer so there is very little grass that grew back for second cut so its almost pure alfalfa. My question is it okay to feed this to beef cattle for the winter or is there a high chance of bloat with it.
What would you say the best/safest way to feed:
1. Straight Alfalfa Bales
2. Feed one first cut (all grass) bale followed by one alfalfa bale and rotate back and forth. (I feed one bale once every 3 days)
3. If there is not too much waste I can put a grass bale and alfalfa in at the same time when I feed. (Add 2 bales once every 5-6 days but assume more waste)
I guess if there is a risk of feeding it straight, option 3 would be the best but I would rather just feed the alfalfa hay only and save my grass hay for the horses but would like to hear others opinion on the risks if any.
Feeding Rich Alfalfa Hay to beef cattle
NH 450 utility vs Deere 450e balers
I’ve picked up some more land and can’t keep up with square baling 4000 bales like I managed this year (and ended up brushogging some I couldn’t get to). No one around to custom hire and it’s impossible to find decent used round balers with net wrap for a reasonable price around here. I feed squares to my own stock so all rounds will be sold. The market here is 4x5 dry net wrapped so that’s what I’m looking for.
Baling with a Deere 5075e 4wd (a bit over 8000 lbs and low 60s PTO hp) and only doing a couple hundred dry bales so I’m looking at the lighter weight economy models. Only one Vermeer dealer here who I wouldn’t buy a can of coke from and the only MF/Hesston dealer also sells new Holland and doesn’t like or stock the economy hesstons.
This leaves the NH 450 Utility (not the regular 450) and the Deere 450e. Prices quoted are almost identical, multiple competent dealers for both near me so service isn’t an issue. NH has net/twine while Deere is net only but otherwise identical specs.
I’m asking for anyone with experience or knowledge of either one to let me know of any recommendations for or against either of them. I gather the early years of the NH had some electrical problems but they seem to have fixed them from what I can tell. Dealer said it works fine as long as it’s directly wired to the tractor battery.
Thanks for any help!
NH 450 utility vs Deere 450e balers
Advice from a Respiratory Therapist about COVID.
Just in case you get the virus and develop symptoms, here’s some good advice from a respiratory therapist to help stay out of the hospital and recover quickly.
CORONA Common Sense
Since they are calling on Respiratory therapist to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting. I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is...
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Advice from a Respiratory Therapist about COVID.
Recall list
Something like what Dodge has. I can plug my VIN there and it will show me recalls that have not been done yet.
Recall list
Anyone use this coast plug for x1100c?
Anyone use this coast plug for x1100c?
Puff of smoke at startup ?
mardi 8 décembre 2020
I noticed yesterday that when I start my little X1100c I get a puff of smoke . white/gray ...
Just for a second ,. then none.
Later that same day started again , and another little puff of smoke.
Tell me its not developing a issue ,, And its nothing to worry about !!
Puff of smoke at startup ?
Repair techniques for 1100 Seat
Repair techniques for 1100 Seat
Effective herbicide that doesn't kill clover
I would like to treat for as many bad weeds as possible, without killing my clover. Does such a herbicide exist? Kills the majority of problem weeds, while leaving clover alone?
Effective herbicide that doesn't kill clover
John Deere 10 HD mini baler
lundi 7 décembre 2020
I am currently in search of a John Deere 10 HD mini baler, these balers had low production numbers and are pretty hard to find. I’ve been looking for the past 6 months with no real results so far. Please if you know where one is or have one you would like to sell reach out to me. I am located in Illinois but I travel a lot for work and could possibly work something out.
John Deere 10 HD mini baler
PTO Connect Adapter
PTO Connect Adapter

PTO Connect Adapter
Parts for WR 1008
Where can I find parts for a WR 1008 hay rake? Cannot find them anywhere. TIA
Parts for WR 1008
Sluggish Hay Sales?
Anyone seeing sluggish hay sales, particularly in the small squares market? We are located in west central Illinois and comparing with last year at this time, our sales are down 70%. Our main market is small squares and most of our customers are horsey folk. We should have had a few semi loads of hay sold by now. We are selling some hay to the local customers but we haven't heard a lot from our big volume customers, like horse farms, stables and show barns. Are people procrastinating? Our prices are not far off from some of the hay auctions. Is it an economic effect or the virus? As I look outside the window there is still some green grass in the yard. We haven't seen any snow yet and that might have something to do with it too. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing a slow down in their sales or have any thoughts on this. My bosses say its because we haven't had any real Midwestern winter weather yet. We are supposed to get back up to the 50s later this week. 2020 has definitely been a challenging year on all fronts!
Sluggish Hay Sales?
Do you have a winch on your tractor?
What type of winch mount do you have. Pics please if you don't mind. I'm not sure of what all options there are for a tractor winch.
Do you have a winch on your tractor?
Massey 124
dimanche 6 décembre 2020
Massey 124
What brand of net and how many wraps?
I have seen some discussions about different brands of net, but could not get the search function to find any. I posted recently about making the jump to net and have since sealed the deal, Now I am wondering who makes good net and can I afford it and also about how many bales does a roll of net do (I make 4X5 bales). I have seen people talk about 2 or 3 wraps, but not sure how many that I want or need. I make grass alfalfa hay and around 500-700 bales per year, although that may increase, some.
Any/all input would be greatly appreciated.
What brand of net and how many wraps?
bed for rtv 900

Kubota RTV 900 04 Box Bed 24029 | eBay
seems to me like i remember someone needing one of these???
bed for rtv 900
1100C mirrors
The directions were poor for the 1100c install. The vehicle, as we know is metric, the mirror hardware...
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1100C mirrors
1st ever sickle mower
samedi 5 décembre 2020
I purchased this with the intent of using it when I retire to mow 15 acres of hay. It sat for 10 years so I am breaking it down to parade rest and assess if it’s worth it. The knife head, sickle knives and bar they attach to look worn so I will replace with new. From JD the whole assembly is about $223.90 and aftermarket is only 20-30 dollars less, so I figured using Deere parts.
Now the elephant in the room. The wobble box has a fair amount of side to side/front to back movement at the bottom of the pivot shaft, so I’ll take it apart and rebuild it. No idea what that will cost. I paid $400.00 for it and am looking for opinions on what to do. If it sounds like a bottomless money pit and I should cut bait, let me know.
1st ever sickle mower
Excavator seat time
Excavator seat time
Said goodbye to my Blue Buddy
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Said goodbye to my Blue Buddy
Who Owns.....?
Off the top of your head, who owns Dewalt? Nope, the tool giant company Stanley/Black&Decker owns DeWalt. I ran across this informative article that I thought was an interesting short read.
Regards, Mike
Who Owns.....?
Vermeer 605SM, JD 567, 568
vendredi 4 décembre 2020
Hi everyone! I hate to be "that guy" and post something like this on my first post, but I'm looking for advise and experience. I'm up in the Northwest corner of Montana, put up about 500+ tons of hay a year, ranging from Canary Grass, to Garrison's foxtail, to timothy and some other hard ground grass hay. It runs from too tall to see over the tractor hood, to having to rake 6 to 1, to get something to bale. I'm running a 4430 John Deere tractor, and have been running a 556 John Deere round baler, that's twine only, and quite frankly has been a real lemon! It's been on fire numerous times, broken rollers, chains, etc. Our fields range from pete moss meadows to ancient lake beds and some are fairly rough. I'm not necessarily hard on machinery, but I'm not going to baby it along for no good reason either.
We'd like to move up to net wrap on a somewhat newer baler, and a 5x6 baler as well, so it's not maxed out at all times, trying to make a 5x5 bale.
I've been looking at all the local stuff as well as a bunch of online auction machines, and have run across a nice looking Vermeer 605SM, with a fairly low bale count (compared to most of the balers I've looked at, with 10,000+) at about 6,000 bales. I'm not familiar with Vermeer, as you really don't see many up here, and was wondering what some of the rest of you have experienced? I've got a slight bit of a sour taste for JD, but it's sure not out of the question with a 567 or 568 for the right deal, but I'd like to hear others' experience.
Thanks a bunch!
Vermeer 605SM, JD 567, 568
DIY transport box
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DIY transport box
Looking for a heavy 10-12' to till drill
Hi everyone, wondering if I can get some information on a older no till drill. I am looking to purchase an older heavy no till drill weight is important the heaver the better. I am wanting to plant a variety of cover crops without breaking the ground. the newer 10-12' no till drills are start at 20k. I know there are some older ones out there like Crust buster Haybuster, Tye and probably several others. I will not be seeding native grasses but will be seeding several blends of seed together. If anyone has something older for sale please let me know or if you know of one for sale somewhere else I would greatly appreciate it
Looking for a heavy 10-12' to till drill
Leak in transmission housing - repair questions
Got a 2007 RTV 900 with a small but bothersome leak in the transmission housing. I have narrowed it down to the piston housing at the rear right next to one of the transmission oil filters:

The gasket around this housing is likely worn as it drips from the bottom of the housing.
The service manual says to remove the piston case round plug (#1 in the pic above) and then proceed removing the 6-7 long bolts...
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Leak in transmission housing - repair questions
Carry All Rack for Tractor
jeudi 3 décembre 2020
New Holland H7330
Hello everyone I had a couple questions on a New Holland H7330 I found. The mower looks pretty nice the dealer said they had bought it in auction a couple months back. It has the 2 point swivel hitch not the drawbar. My neighbor has a H7230 with drawbar swivel and really likes it. I have a Kubota m4-071 that I'm pretty sure it'd pull. I've seen a guy on here that has a john deere 5065m and a h7220 which it pulls easy. Then I've also seen a New Holland t4-75 pulling a H7230 and the m4 is very similar in weight and power if not the t4 has less power than the m4. I'm guessing I'd only go about 4mph or so which is fine. I've used the m4 on a Massey Ferguson 1363 10ft cut and steel rolls and the 1363 was about 400lb's heavier than the H7330/7230 and pulled a lot harder as well. But it'd pull about 5mph but it was pushing it. Also I don't really have hills. But I'll have a John Deere 3020 tractor if it doesn't sell by spring but I'm really going to guess it's not going to be around by spring but I'd really like to use the m4 if possible.
What would you guys think of a mower like this, would it pull alright? I've heard really good things about these machines. I also know there's no short on parts for these machines and I have plenty of dealers around. I'd ask for suggestions too, I've looked at a John Deere 916 but I'd like a New Holland. Also I'm in Eastern Ks and there's a lot of H7330's and 7230's and besides John Deere and New Holland there's no other dealers/ other used mowers around. This is why I'm leaning in this direction of New Holland because also the Deere dealers are very over priced and don't have the best service. So guys pls give me some info on any thing you know thanks!
New Holland H7330
RTV Snow Blower/Sander
mercredi 2 décembre 2020
x1140 vht pressure release adjustment
x1140 vht pressure release adjustment
RTV HST Adjustments
We will see as you will be the testers of my conclusions. ha ha ha
I had 2 machines; 2008 RTV900 standard model that I added a plow and cab to and enjoyed lots of winter snow plowing for 2 years. Then traded it for RTV1100 which I eventually added a turbo to and of course had adapted the plow on for another 3 years of plowing fun. Neighbors loved me. ha ha ha
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RTV HST Adjustments
Tracks!! Tracks!! Tracks!!
I'm getting rid of my snow machine, Mama says she's not up to the cold anymore, so thinking of tracking up the old 1100. I've ran tracks before on a Prowler(TJD tracks) and wasn't real fond of them. They did well enough in the snow, but always breaking something. I'm looking at the Camso 4s1 tracks, which looks much better then the TJD's. The Prowler was 1000 cc and had the ponies to pull...
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Tracks!! Tracks!! Tracks!!
Mean looking x1100c
Mean looking x1100c
RTV 1100XC - anyone have experience with tracks (like CAMSO) ?
And now that I've posted this question, I will do the logical thing and do a search
RTV 1100XC - anyone have experience with tracks (like CAMSO) ?
Kubota X1100C with PTO K-Connect
Roctane Tires push through snow great too!
Kubota X1100C with PTO K-Connect
Matching rake to baler
I have a JD 336 and am shopping for a rake. How important is it to match the size of the rake to the pickup width of the baler? Pickup width for the 336 is about 66". A Kuhn 4521 is coming up at auction near me, the listing says it's a 12' rake. Is that too big for the 336? It would seem to me that it's possible for the rake to be too small for the baler but not necessarily the other way around.
FYI, first time hayer here. Thanks!
Matching rake to baler
SweetPro mineral suppliment
mardi 1 décembre 2020
Has anyone used the Sweetpro supplements. I had seen a advertisement on the stuff and found it interesting. I also taked to a producer that uses it and he swears by it.
Last year I had my cows on the crystalyx, and also used the Cargill and Ragland Mills tubs that I bought at Bomgaars. I have tried all three last year, so I can't really compare them in performance.
Here is what I do know, I started using the Ragland because its cost per pound was cheaper, and had my cows on it before and as the calved. In May I turned them out on the Red desert west of Rawlins Wyoming with an elevation of about 7000 feet. This fall in October when we brought them home I did not have one sick calf; now my cousin he had a bunch of sick calves this fall. I am pretty sure that he did not feed any mineral; I feel pretty sure that my cows and calves went on the range healthier because of the mineral they received, and of course came of that range healthy.
Product Cost of each Cost per pound
Sweetpro 250 pound tub $120 $0.48
Crystalyx 250 pournd tub $120 $0.48
Cargil 20% Farm to Farm 200 pound tub $59.99 $0.29995
Ragland Mill 24% pasture tub 200 pound tub $49.99 $0.24885
Maybe I should feed loose mineral. I sold my calves today, and did real well. My 500 weight steers brought $1.745 per pound.
SweetPro mineral suppliment
JD 6400 water in Transmission Fluid
lundi 30 novembre 2020
My 6400 JD has started getting water in trans/hyd fluid. I changed fluid, filters, and cleaned screen. Fluid was still slightly cloudy after, which I attributed to contaminated fluid still in system, BUT it has gotten worse fairly quickly. I also seem to be losing coolant, and at the same time have developed leaks in the left side loader cylinders (possibly coincidental?). I am suspicious that it may be coolant entering hyd/trans system, but my dealer felt this was unlikely as pressure higher on hydraulic side than on coolant side, but I remain suspicious. Any thoughts and suggestions to track this down? Could there be an internal leak in the radiator?
JD 6400 water in Transmission Fluid
Sickle mower - decision - New Holland 451 vs. IH 100
I currently own an IH 100 7 foot sickle bar mower. Bought it for $500, but need to put 500-700 into in for repairs.
I have the ability to buy a New Holland 451 9 foot mower, including an extra sickle bar. I think there will be minor repairs necessary.
Both are 3 point.
I am thinking about owning both, so I have a backup if I break down. Which do you recommend? Will my 1953 Ford Jubilee have enough power to run the 9 foot mower? I don't plan to have a need to go fast.
Sickle mower - decision - New Holland 451 vs. IH 100
Haven't seen one these
dimanche 29 novembre 2020
Haven't seen one these creators dead or alive in a long, long time. Kinda wonder if pelt has any value any more.
Haven't seen one these
Going to look at a New Holland 276 Baler - help please
I am a newbie and am trying to build my arsenal of tools to prepare for the upcoming hay season. I have sickle mower and a rake.
Today, I am going to look at (and probably buy) a New Holland 276 baler. I have read a lot of forum information, and the general consensus is that it is a nice baler.
INFO: This seller told me that he purchased it from a dealer 6 years ago, and has baled 1000 bales a year since them. Has done a few maintenance type repairs but no major breakdowns. He said that the knotter always messes up the knots on the first 2 bales, but after that everything runs great. He is willing to start it up and let me watch it run, but he said he won't be able to run anything through it, so the purchase will be blind on how it actually makes bales. He is also going to give me the operators and service manuals, which is a nice little plus.
1. I think $1000 is a great price, and I have been watching prices on New Holland balers (273, 276, etc.) Is it just a good price, or does it indicate red flags?
2. What do I need to look at while the mower is off? Wear and tear items.
3. What do I need to look for while I watch it run?
4. Is the knotter missing the first 2 bales a problem that you all on this forum could help me fix through adjustment? I need to get to know the baler anyway.
5. Other things that I may have missed?
Thank you! This forum is excellent and will help me acquire knowledge slowly as I tiptoe into my hay hobby (10 acres).
Going to look at a New Holland 276 Baler - help please
JD Net Wrap Pan Liner
In the spring JD catalog came across this part for round balers. FH332540
What is it? I cannot find a description or picture of it any where. Is it heavy duty plastic to "line" the pan as the title suggests to reduce wear or is it a metal replacement as the parts catalog suggest "net pan repair". First time I have come across it and I know mine has wear and a liner installed to keep it from wearing through would be great. If it's just a replacement I don't need it yet.
JD Net Wrap Pan Liner
Improvements to Hay Storage Shed?
samedi 28 novembre 2020
10+ years ago we bought a property that had a 40'x100' steel shed on it. Tin covered, non insulated, concrete floors throughout, windows on each end along with 14' roll up doors on each end. Over a handful of years it has slowly become by dedicated hay storage shed. I'm wondering if there is anything I should be considering to do as far as improvements that would make it a better place to store hay?
Any hay I put in the shed doesn't really seem to keep much color over time. I've made a few haphazard attempts to cover the windows with cardboard or plastic to block sunlight, but windy days (when the shed is open hauling in hay, loading out customers, etc.) don't help and I know I need to improve on that end. I stack usually 6 high on edge on pallets and 10 deep from the wall.
Another thing I noticed is the shed also doesn't have any sort of vents built in anywhere. I'm afraid I might be storing my good hay in a "hotbox". I don't have any issues with hay molding or mildewing in any way just thinking I need to allow my shed to breathe some.
Looking for some input and thoughts from others smarter than me.
Improvements to Hay Storage Shed?
Oats weight
OK oats has has never made sense to me me as far as seeding rates are correlated to test weight. say wheat for example is 60#s/bushel so most seed it at 2 bushels an acre or 120#s, but in more recent years big wheat farmers are saying 1.5 million seeds per acre not 2 bushels. anyhow oats is suppose to weigh 32#s/Bushel but a lot of times its 36,38, even 40+ so when you decide you want to plant it at 3 bushels/acre, do you seed at 96#s no matter the test weight? I know its probably a simple answer but I cant seem to get a straight forward one from anyone local. thanks
Oats weight
Strait pipe the Exhaust & Build a Cold Air Intake X1100C
Most of them for Dust reasons . I hear tell that a Diesel motor LOVES Air,, and likes to pass it like a big pump.
I am interested in any help building a better air intake for the X1100c .
It appears to me that the factory LONG tube going to the front would cause major restricted air flow?
Also I do not believe in playing god on a diesel engine , Dont hot rod...
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Strait pipe the Exhaust & Build a Cold Air Intake X1100C
Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole
Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole
1 20 Oz package shredded hash brown potatoes
1 small can of cream of chicken soup
2 cups of shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 container of sour cream
1 stick of butter (melted)
Combine ingredients and dump into 9 x 13 pan.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole
1100c Strobe installation
1100c Strobe installation
X1100C Front Receiver Upgrade/Update
vendredi 27 novembre 2020
X1100C Front Receiver Upgrade/Update
NH 316 Driven and Idler Sprocket Feeder Drive Removal
First the cause?? Chain tension never maintained or??
Second the solution?? Remove both sprockets and chain and replace??
How?? Does the panelling above the sprockets need to be removed to access especially the driven sprocket?
Any help would be appreciated.
NH 316 Driven and Idler Sprocket Feeder Drive Removal
Deep East TX fert/lime suppliers
jeudi 26 novembre 2020
Deep East TX fert/lime suppliers
Hub bore dimensions for RTV X1100c
Hub bore dimensions for RTV X1100c
Just thinkin about it,But!
Been thinkin about a new hay roller. We've always had nothing but Vermeer, "C", "F","SI", "N". But I've heard about problems with the "R". And last year I was at a dealer, ( I've got 4 within 50miles). They had a new R Premium in the shop that would not start a roll. And I know of 2 close that had a recall to fix or place something. I've lost 2 bearings on the N, I've got it in the shop now to replace 1 of the greasable bearings, I'll get to that after I OD turkey , well maybe next week.
Around here its either Green or Yeller, don't know of any new NH, a couple of older Krones but dealer
Just thinkin about it,But!
Net Wrap on an "I" Series Vermeer Baler?
I have a 504 Super "I" that is in very good condition and makes a good bale. I have been very proactive in maintaining and upgrading the baler since I purchased it about 3 years ago and feel like it is better than when it was new. At least as good as new.
It has the equal fill/auto tie monitor and I see an option on the monitor for net wrap. However I have Never saw an "I" series baler that actually had net wrap on it.
I would love to hear from folks that have a Vermeer "I" series baler of any size With net wrap and learn how it is performing. Pictures would be fantastic.
My baler is paid for so if adding net wrap would be cheaper and makes sense (as in net works fine on an "I" series) I would go that way. However I have heard Vermeer had problems with net wrap on their early balers like an "I". I have zero first hand experience with this claim and would love to hear from people using net on the earlier Vermeer's. I cannot even Google and find "I" balers with net wrap on them.
Replacing my baler with an unknown used net wrap baler (which would be my only option) doesn't make total sense to me at this point.
Thanks for any help.
Net Wrap on an "I" Series Vermeer Baler?
RTV is ready for spraying
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RTV is ready for spraying
1963 2010
mercredi 25 novembre 2020
1963 2010
Power Connectors for RTV 1100 headlights
New member here, found this forum while searching for some parts for my Kubota. I have a RTV 1100C with the "factory" lights on top of the cab. As you are a aware the lights arent all that great. I plow snow so I need some more light, I have purchased some high ouput LED lights. I want to use the factory installed harness /connections.
Does anyone know the type of 2 conductor connectors they use? I have searched and cant seem to find a match. This would greatly simplify...
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Power Connectors for RTV 1100 headlights
Stihl 20 V Blowers-update
mardi 24 novembre 2020
A little update on this topic. I remember posting on the Stihl battery powered chain saw but not on the blower. However, my gas Stihl 86 blower went south again, runs, then doesn't then does -you know the drill. Only had their motomix in it since purchased new and has had two carb replacements. I guess the dang carbs are so small they just have issues. I also have some with my Stihl 12" trim saw but not as bad as with the blower. However, that said, when the blower acted up the last time, I bought my wife the Stihl 100 blower with the 300 battery pack. Works great. we get 4 solid sessions at Boost level out of a charge with use in a 12' by 60' concrete center aisle. Blows as well or better than the 85 which is a commercial quality blower. the bat pack has a strap that fits conveniently around your neck (we added the strap).
It would be even more effective it you could get the tube with the slightly flattened end but they are only available in the UK now. I guess some idiot tried to blow in someone else's face and there was a lawsuit or something. Like why you can't buy a decent air nozzle for your compressor anymore.
So the short version is: If you are considering a 20 vt blower, for a use similar to mine, I strongly recommend this one set up with the 300 battery. I don't know that it would be all that great for a lawn full of oak leaves but there is always the wind
Stihl 20 V Blowers-update
Massey Fergusson 5435, handbook/manual
I've just got my first tractor, a Massey Fergusson 5435.
The vehicle did not come with a technical handbook and I would sure like to get my hands on one.
Do any of you guys have the handbook in a digital format (preferably PDF) or know where I could find one for free?
Thank you.
Massey Fergusson 5435, handbook/manual
Texas Applicators License
lundi 23 novembre 2020
Texas Applicators License
Macdon vs New Holland
Im trying to decide if spending more and getting a New Holland h8040 is worth it, compared to something like the Macdon 9350. in my area you can pick up the New Holland around the 50-60k. the Macdon is between 25-40k. I would like it with a 16' sickle head with crimper for doing grass, grass/alfalfa, and various small grains for hay. looking for pros and cons, and or different models. thanks
Macdon vs New Holland
John Deere 640 Side Delivery rake - bar bearing replacement
Hey all - I am working on the next item on my repair list for my 640. One of the 8 connection points of one bar is sloppy and some bearing work needs to be done. I tried to take the housing off, and I have a problem. The nut on the back side of the reel spins freely, so I am having trouble removing it. What should I do? I thought about cutting it with a hacksaw, then replacing it. I cannot separate the bearing housing from the reel at this point. Is there something I am missing, and this is easier than I am making it? (see photo - arrow is the nut that is spinning freely)
John Deere 640 Side Delivery rake - bar bearing replacement
Fuel Gauge
Woody "KO4BG"
Fuel Gauge
Sickle bar mower - getting started / questions
I picked up a 7 foot, 3 point, International Model 100 balanced head sickle bar mower a few weeks ago, and would like some advice.
I paid $500 for it.
Upon field testing it, I identified that the wobble box is shot. Rowse Rakes in Nebraska will it for around $400-500, assuming a bearing kit will do the trick.
The mower could use a new knife and some fine tuning, but otherwise looks good.
I think I can make a trip to Rowse in Nebraska, spend $700 for a rebuilt wobble box, new knife, and an overall tuning. Have a like-new mower for a total of $1200-1300 (including a work-over by Rowse, which is worth a quite a bit IMO). I will incorporate a pheasant hunting trip for my 11 and 13 year old boys, to justify the trip from Kansas City, Missouri.
1) Is this a reasonable amount to spend, or should I call it a $500 life tax, and look for a different mower? If so, what are the makes and models I should be shopping for? I plan to hay 10 acres right now.
2) Long term, will this make and model be just as good as another sickle mower in this price range, as far as obtaining parts (Rowse Rakes) and keeping it in working order? Or, is there another you would recommend that will cause me less heartache?
Thanks, all!
(photos attached)
Sickle bar mower - getting started / questions
Does anyone have a pet name for their RTV. See picture for mine. It’s reflective at night.
dimanche 22 novembre 2020
John Deere 640 rake - repair question and routine maintenance advice
Hi all. This forum helped me solve some initiate balance and height adjustment issues right after I got the rake. While working through and solving these problems, there are 2 things I want to do now. Take a look...
1) Routine maintenance - what are the steps to take to properly lubricate and maintain the rake? I see that it has a lot of grease zerts, and I have added grease to a few. Can I over-grease? Also, gear box fluid. How often to I add/change the fluid in the drive box on the left side? Should I just get an operators manual and follow what they say in there?
2) I need to repair one of the bearing housings where the bar attaches to the wheel on the left side wheel. It has sloppy play in it. do I just remove it, then break it down and see what piece is worn, then replace it? I hate to take it off and not be able to fix it, and be worse off than 1 of my 8 attachment points being sloppy.
Appreciate the help.
John Deere 640 rake - repair question and routine maintenance advice
Income Tax
Had a year that turned out better than expected. Ill probably lose all my Obama Care Tax credits for me and the wife that will be about $23K to pay in just for the premium s.. My AGI number is pretty high and i can spend /purchase to lower that but I don't want to be wasteful . I would prepay next years crop needs. and maybe by 1 piece of equipment . I was wondering how hard you work to get your income tax down or do you just bite the bullet .
Income Tax
Green horn- deep East TX - burn it all?
Green horn- deep East TX - burn it all?