Krone 870 Multi pack HDP is it worth it?

vendredi 27 mars 2020

Howdy All 



I live in North West Colorado and I grow and sell all of my hay for horse and the spoiled or number 2 hay gets sold for cows.  

I also do a small amount of custom baling.


The demand for smalls bales is growing so I been considering the multi pack 870.  Has any one ever worked with this baler? Do you think the bales in the multipack will replace the small bale?  I must add I dont think any of my customers around here will cut the strings and try to send the bales into a hay loft. (Like I use to do with dad)   Most will be stored on the ground or in a shed.  


So I Looking for advice on if the 870 can replace my 890 and also accomendate many of the small bale users? 


If you are not familair with an 870 hers is a link.



Krone 870 Multi pack HDP is it worth it?

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