TRITICALE - When will it be ready to cut?

dimanche 8 mars 2020

Hello everyone,


So last fall (late October-Early November) I drilled in a bunch of Triticale. I wanted to plant it earlier but out of season rains delayed things. I'm very pleased with how well it came up, the fields look like thick carpets of green.


However - I'm getting a little impatient/antsy as I want to plant Sudan grass in the same land, ideally around the first week of April. I could push that back to the first week of May if needed, but I dont want to risk planting it later as there is almost zero rain where I live between late May and September, and I want it to be established by the time the water shuts off.


Anyway, I'm nervous that it might not mature in time for me to plant the sudan grass by then.


After having around 4 months to grow, its grown between 4 and 16 inches in height. Yes, I took soil samples and fertilized as directed. We did not have winter here also, we had maybe 2 weeks combined where it was around 40 degrees, then highs in the 70s and 80s in January/February. I've never grown this stuff before but I'm also anxious that the almost total lack of cool weather will stunt its grown further.




1) Based on the above, what are my chances of this turning into a decent crop? How likely is it that it'll grow to 24-30 inches in height? 


2) Should I "cut my losses" and bale this as a measly crop so I can plant the Sudan grass on time [April 1st]?


3) For those of you that've grown Triticale before, what week/month do you generally mow it for dry hay? Is my original goal of mowing in late March or April too optimistic/rushed?


Thanks in advance. 


TRITICALE - When will it be ready to cut?

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