New Holland Stackliner 1034 Rolling Rack Cable/ Piston Problem

mardi 15 septembre 2020

Good Afternoon!

I've started volunteering at a local farm and animal rescue and being fairly mechanically inclined have been asked to look at a problem with a New Holland Stackliner 1034.  Please forgive any wrong terminology since I'm completely new to this.

What I'm told happened at some point last season is that, "something got our of sync."  One person says the rolling rack was brought down on/ hit the pushers.  Another says it just got stuck.  The result (as I see it) is that the pulley on the end of the of the piston got too close to the cable termination on the rolling rack which caused the pulley assembly to be driven off the track.  Then it jammed between the rolling rack and the frame below the table when they tried to cycle it forward.  They tried to beat it free, which I'll be honest and say I also tried until I realized the problem was the cable tension.  I then loosened the Crosby clips on the rolling rack and got a little slack in the system but there's still way too much tension to get things to straighten out.  What I figure I need to do is to secure the rolling rack and completely remove the cable then re-reeve it through the pulleys with the rolling rack at the proper distance from the pulley on the end of the piston.  I'll also need to fix (or replace) the track where it's bent and possibly replace the top sheave in the pulley assembly since the cable has chewed it up.

I'd greatly appreciate if someone with experience on this machine could take a look at the attached photos and let me know their thoughts.  Am I on the right track?  If not, could you point me in the right direction.  A good photo (or sketch) of the correct cable routing/ spacing would also be appreciated.  Happy to answer any other questions that I can that would help in getting this fixed.  The goal is to have it working for this weekend, but we have other options if that can't happen.


Attached Thumbnails

  • NH 1034 Rolling Rack Pulley.jpg
  • NH 1034 Rolling Rack Full View from Rear.jpg
  • NH 1034 Rolling Rack Full View from Front.jpg

New Holland Stackliner 1034 Rolling Rack Cable/ Piston Problem

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