To Rake LH or RH?

mardi 22 septembre 2020

Hello fellow friends, 


I am in a bit of a quandary,  we had a 100 year old hickory tree come down and crush our Kuhn 4120 rake a few days ago.   I have been telling myself for years when this rake goes I would replace it with a Krone 46T.  Now that I'm suddenly faced with having to replace it I am at a loss (no pun intended).  I have been happy with the Kuhn for the most part,  besides giving up on the curtain support continually breaking.  A few friends have  had bad luck with their Kuhns exploding on them. 

I have gotten very used to the RH delivery,  particularly when small square baling.  Many of our fields are not normal with odd bends and shapes.  I typically go round and round the headlands to start and then do go back and forth.  Usually baling right behind the rake   Some times making double rows depending of course.  For Round baling usually double and I can care less on direction. 


RH also makes sense as the controls are always on the RH.   


So in short I am looking for advice on why LH would work better for me as apposed to sticking with RH.   

On another note if anyone is looking for parts off a 4120!!  

Thanks in advance,   






To Rake LH or RH?

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