Because We Own Land...

samedi 26 mars 2016

The discussion about painting prices in the shout box reminded me about invited thieves who come out to the ranch to offer their bids for work we need done.  Because we own and live on this beautiful ranch, these contractors must think we are loaded with money and they want to steal some of it for themselves.


A company bid $3800 to wire our 30 x 40 ft metal shop. I got it done for about 1/5th that price by working as the assistant to a retired electrician.


Another company came out and offered to lay crushed concrete on our 0.4 mi of ranch road at a price of $42,000. We already had a bid in hand for about 1/3rd that price if we were willing to wait until this company located and purchased a used crusher., We were attempting to find an equivalent bid from any company that could get the work done without having to be so patient. When my wife told the $42,000 offer people they were triple the lowest bed we had, these guys quickly lowered their bid to $24,000.  They had already placed some marker flags on part of the area near the shop by the time I arrived. Guess they were thinking we were a couple of easy targets.


Care to share your experiences...Happy Easter!

Because We Own Land...

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