Making my own hay, not on my own land

jeudi 24 mars 2016

I'll keep this short.  I have a coworker, good friend of mine too, just lives a mile or two down the road from me.  She just bought her house, has an acre of grass field she says I can bale.  I just have a little operation, 6 acres of my own and I put up another 7 acres with my neighbor as well for his cows.


My coworker's field has never had any love, and yield would be very low this first cutting.  She currently pays somebody just to come mow it as she doesn't want the grass tall.  Eventually she'd like to run some cows on it but doesn't know when that will be.  I will fertilize and spray her field to help my yields, and it will be mowed so she won't be paying anybody to do that.  So in essence, with me baling up her acre, I'm saving her the costs of having it mowed and I'll turn her ground into some very productive land by doing some of my own investment into it.


With this in mind, am I already doing enough for her? Or on top of that, should I offer her something per bale?  I won't be pulling a lot of hay off this field this year, it needs a lot of work.  I don't want to be unfair to her, but at the same time, I also do feel like she already is getting benefit from it too as she'll save the expense of paying somebody to mow it and she'll have a really nice grass field when she decides to use it for herself.  Which I'll happily use in the meantime, I just love making hay and am trying to grow a small operation.  But mostly, I just love making hay.

Making my own hay, not on my own land

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