Wheat Balage? High moister hay?

mercredi 16 mars 2016

Last fall I planted about 16 acres of wheat, did it as a cover crop/option for early spring grazing if needed.  By the looks of things now I think I'm going to be doing very well on my pastures and will have the wheat as an excess.  Will it work for me to cut it and roll it up as balage?  If so at what stage would I want to cut it?  I'm only feeding about 50 head of beef cattle so I don't need real high dollar feed, but am wondering what the quality would be for winter feed if done this way.  I'm a little far out, and with only 16 acres I won't have anyone wanting to come in with a combine to harvest it that way so balage or pasture is about my only options I think???


Wheat Balage? High moister hay?

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