Mastitis prevention

lundi 7 mars 2016

I just pulled a 6 mo calf off his momma. Doin the fenceline wean. I'm about 2 days into it. The bull calf seems to be doin just fine. Momma, she misses her baby. The bawling has mostly calmed down. I noticed her milk is filled up pretty good. She is a half breed beltie so her milk sack is black. I am relying heavily on mother nature taking care of her for me. I assume she will dry up eventually. Since I am not milking her, and cant even touch her, what should I look for (from about 15 ft away) that would indicate mastitis? Keep in mind her time on the hoof is limited. As soon as the highland swamp dries (AKA my pasture) and I can get the trailer and the truck across it without rutting it up, she is goin on the trailer to the butcher. I just need to keep her healthy till then.




Mastitis prevention

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