Anyone on HT a twine dr?

samedi 20 août 2016

So, we have discbinedr, and Cy is seed dr.  Just wondering if we have a closet Twinedr?


As a result of my escalating frustration with the the ever decreasing quality control with sisal twine, I made the switch to poly this month.  Hate the stuff but no matter what you pay or who you get it from, 7200 sisal has spots of 16000 in it and often averages what used to be sold for 9000.  Therefore, when you use today's sisal to make a tight bale in a baler with with a belt thrower and hydraulic tension, the results are a bunch of busted bales, trash in your kicker wagons and basically a mess.  So I switched.


While doing research, I got different answers to the same question on knot strength etc from every dealer I talked to and don't believe I got the correct answers yet.  One actually told me I did not have Bridon 7200-190 even though I told him I had 4 rolls.  He said, that is not square baler twine, square baler twine is orange and it is 9600-130.  Told me the different colors were different knot strengths except of course, the Bridon site says you can get different knot strengths in 10 different colors.   Contacted two of the premium twine companies including Bridgon and heard nothing.  I was looking for a spec sheet that described the differences in the twine-surely this must exist somewhere-diameter, # of strands in the twine, etc.  Only # of feet (i assume that it is the number of feet in a ball but then I read that the number of feet printed on the packaging is not necessarily the number of feet.  Wait a minute- isn't that like a surveyor saying that his as-built drawing does not actually depict actual conditions?


So, I started this post since it appears that there is a fair amount of curiosity on HT about the twines.  Really would be nice to know what the products are and what the physical properties are.  Anybody a twine expert out there or know where I can get this info?



Anyone on HT a twine dr?

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