Information on Land Rental

dimanche 28 août 2016

Hay (;-)) figured I'd jump on here and see what kind of information I can gather, what I need to know, what questions to ask, how to offer, what's typical of land rentals, etc.  Please bare with me as I am completely new to anything other than boarding horses. :-)  Please feel free to talk to me like I'm 2- well maybe not exactly like I'm 2, but I know ZERO about the hay / crops / cattle business (including terminology)!

So my question revolves around what kind of rent is one looking at, what is expected of the landlord, what is expected of the leasee, etc for crop, hay or cattle land?  I am relocating to the east side of KY, Mt Sterling area.  (Hopefully, deal isn't done yet, need to find out the answers to these questions first.)  I am looking at buying land for my horses and maybe a few boarders.  Currently the place that I have found is about double what I will "need."  I was wondering if I could make back any of my mortgage payments, or stock my barn with hay for the winter, if I rented out what I didn't need to another farmer.  I think the land is fairly nice grass land currently, doesn't look like a lot of weeds, and it has recently been hayed as there are rounds sitting in the field (cow or horse I do not know).  I know hay is one of the cheaper crops but I think I like the idea of keeping it hay as one, it already appears to be, two, it would benefit my horses if I could get some bales, three, we wouldn't need to reseed if we wanted to take the land back for pasture, four, chemicals and maintenance seems less, and I'm sure I could keep going :P  Tobacco is a big crop in the area and as the property has an old tobacco barn I think I would be able to get better money but it would also ruin what is already seemingly established and have to be reestablished if ever made pasture again.  Is there more money in renting cow pasture than crops?  There would need to be additional fencing put up to make it a livestock field and I feel like the more cows that are around, the more flies they attract to the horses...

Anyway, to make a long story even longer (I literally know nothing, I want to try to be as clear as possible so the answers can be most helpful :-)), does anybody know how you go about finding farmers who want to rent land in the area?  What kind of reasonable rent would I be looking at per acre (I'm thinking something around 30 acres to lease, the property is just shy of 60)?  What type of terms are fairly normal?  What are the difference between a straight up rent and a share deal where I would get some bales out of it?  What responsibilities would I have as the land owner?  What type of insurance would one need to carry?  So as you can see, I have a bunch of random questions.  Anything you can offer that I might have not even thought about would be appreciated too!

Thank you!

P.S.  As an aside, normally hay would be cut twice a year, or three times in a good year?  Is the large equipment only brought out to the farm for cutting or is there maintenance I don't know about (ie would we be bothered by renters always popping in and out or would they be expected by infrequently?)

Information on Land Rental

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