BR7080 need a expert

mercredi 24 août 2016

I hope Mike10 has not retired yet,




I have read, re-read and re-read the manual, gone over the settings numerous times, being my wife married a stubborn cuss, I think it is time for your help.




BR7080 - running on a 2013 NH T5-115, removed cables from battery, cleaned re-applied di-electric grease, cleaned and re-applied di-electric grease to hook up between tractor and baler, ALWAYS keep covers on this connection). Have gone through settings, adjusted actuator (was reading 21, adjusted to 25, between suggested reading of 23-27, item13). Voltage on (item 11) 13.4v, when actuator used 10.2 to 13.6v (low – high readings, item 22), software version 7, net wrap break set at 3/16 inch, baler set on auto wrap, 60 inches.


Problem, alarm goes off at 56 & 58 inches (as set up), then at 60, as it is supposed to do. Stop tractor and about every 2nd or 3rd bale, system shuts off (monitor powers off) and restarts. Just like you were to push power button off then on (and goes through its self-test). Monitor shows 60 inch bale, then error code, need to retract actuator and push the wrap/tie button to wrap bale. Does not seem to make a difference if I stop quickly or coast to a stop (thinking giggling of connections).


One thing that I founds wrong and local service rep says is not the problem (see scan page 1) there is -0- clearance, when I increase towards the 5/64” as suggested, it allows duck bill a past the 1 5/8” (also on scan page 1) recommended measurement.


When I move the net wrap actuator (while going through the settings at item 22 for voltage), it stalls at the cam point (with arrow on scan page 2). The lights dim, I have to retract / extend a couple of times, and then it will fully extend actuator. SO what I have done is reduced the duckbill spring to 10 ¾ inches (spec calls for 11 3/8 to 11 5/8 inches, scan page 2, number 16). Also squirted some WD40 on sealed bearings on knife arm (did this before adjusting sprint pressure).  This seems to have reduced almost all the shutdown / restarts. Baled 24 bales of 3rd cutting last week, missed up only once or twice. But would like it back to never shutting down. Baler was clean before starting baling (blew off all the chaff, before I when through the set up Bale Command manual again, checking specs, just as I do every fall before winter storage).


Just over 3000 total round bales through machine, all but a few bales net wrapped, machine indoors, except when baling. Has only gotten a few rail drops on it since I bought new 2008 (got caught in a hay washing session a couple of times, not on purpose naturally). Using Pitchett net wrap.


A weak actuator or clutch inside?? Don’t want to purchase a $700 part I don’t need in particular. Is there something that I am missing? It wouldn’t be the first time, of being too close to the woods to see the trees in my case. Or it is something so simple I will kick myself (again)?







PS it sure is nice having someone from NH (mike10) and JD (TxJim) and Vermeer (forgot is handle) on HT, you guys deserve a hats off in my eyes and you will never get enough THANK YOUs.

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BR7080 need a expert

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