Teff - Cover Crop????

vendredi 19 août 2016

This question will probably rank near the top of some of my stupid questions asked on this forum, but here we go.....

Looking over a small field of mine we've taken back from the brush this summer. It's been hit with roundup, need to get something in it - not sure what to do with this spot.

I've got a bag of Teff I never got to plant this year (don't know if the seed would be any good for next year).

What I'm thinking about is planting the Teff now, along with either Timothy or orchard grass. The idea is to get the Timothy/OG started now. Let it come on with the Teff. Soon as a frost hits, the Teff would be history and Tim/OG would be left behind. After the frost, I'd take a cut of whatever Teff is there, cleaning up the field in the process. Maybe I should chance the Teff seed would be good still next year and plant it then?

Timothy, in particular, is cheap enough seed, if the Teff is going to be wasted, try to get something in the ground now. If it doesn't pan out, can't say the Timothy would drain the wallet. Money is already spent/wasted on the Teff. I think I could at least get one small cut prior to frost. Perhaps the cooling late September weather would keep the Teff from competing with the Timothy to the point of choking it out and I'd have a nice stand of Timothy left over after a frost and harvest of Teff.

OTOH - if the Teff seed is likely to be good setting in the bag over winter, what would you recommend I plant for an annual winter cover crop, to be harvested as decent small square bales of hay come spring, until I can plant the Teff?



Teff - Cover Crop????

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