New Stands alfalfa and orchardgrass

mercredi 24 août 2016

any tips for me??

I currently have a 14 ac. stand of pasture, (mostly fescue/bluegrass/some weeds) and I want to overseed orchardgrass into it. The end result will be light pasture someday when I build my home, and hay crop right now. The fertilizer and lime are spot on as I have corrected them over the last year. I plan to no till using my local co-op drill into the existing pasture. how tall should it be before I no till. I took my second cutting of hay off it about a month ago, and now its currently 6-12" tall in spots. should I go ahead and just seed into it or bush hog it first then seed into it. I also plan to spray weedmaster (24d and dicamba) on it to wipe out the weeds. when it the best time ti spray? I can even wait until spring if I have to.



also, I have a 2 ac parcel across town that I am going to be planting RR alfalfa on. I have bush hogged it 2 weeks ago, and sprayed it with round up last weekend. its nice and yellow right now. we are calling for rain here in southern Maryland next Thursday - sunday, so my goal is to plant the seeds by Wednesday using the same no till drill. what other preperations should be done? I plan to fertilize the seeds using the drill at the time time of planting with roughly 100lb/ac p and 50lb/ac k.  i also planned on waiting until a few days after seeding to re-spray round up if needed to catch anything I missed prior. any thoughts? im new to this, both pacels are well drained, the 2acs are completely flat, and the 14ac has gentle rolling slopes, but great pasture/hay land/ future home.



New Stands alfalfa and orchardgrass

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