GPS tracker app

jeudi 18 août 2016

I'm starting to do some spreading work using a towed, ground driven spreader behind a quad bike (ATV).

I need to maintain a constant speed of 15 km/h for the spreader to work correctly.

I'm planning to use an Android phone with a speedometer app running to give me an accurate speed reading.

I've set this up and tested it and it all works well.


I was thinking it would be nice if the phone logged my exact track across the farm so that I can see if there any parts I missed or parts that I doubled over.

So my question is, is anyone here using an Android (or iPhone) app which records a GPS track which can be downloaded into a desktop computer (or hosted service) and stored.


What would be super awesome, is an app that tells me in real time which direction to steer to ensure optimum coverage of the property. I think John Deere have a system like this, but I'm looking for a cheap, not so flash version that runs on a smart phone.


Thanks, Shane


GPS tracker app

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