Ricochet Skid Plate Kit

mercredi 31 août 2016

We installed one of these kits on our 2013 RTV1100CW9 and I absolutely love the product. I went to order another for our 2011 RTV1100CW9 at the end of May, and after 8 weeks the vendor finally told me that they cannot give me the product because Richochet no longer supplies it. They refunded my money and said they would search around for a replacement.

Since then, I have been searching other vendors for a kit that might be in stock somewhere. I even went so far as to try to purchase it on Amazon from a vendor who assured me he had it in stock, only to find out later that he doesn't and I am going through another refund process.

No luck so far, it seems all the vendors have taken the full kit off of their websites. I can find the suspension guards, but nothing else.

Does anyone know a vendor where I can find the full under-body kit?



Ricochet Skid Plate Kit

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