Wet soil

mardi 13 septembre 2016

We have a portion of our field that has water real close to the surface, and it is drowning out the alfalfa.  We have been thinking of planting some sort of grass there, but don't know what to go with.  The guy at the Co-Op recommended garrison grass.  what do you guys think would work.  We have drain lines in the field; in fact we added one a few years ago.  Maybe we put it to deep, but it does run a fair amount of water, so it is taking some out.  You dig down about a foot and half to two feet and you hit water.  Is just does not seem it can get down the the drain line.  It would help if the ditch company would like the canal, but that is not going to happen for a long time.  I would like to know what my options are.   

Wet soil

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