?'s for experienced bush hog guys

mercredi 2 novembre 2016

Got a phone call from another local HOA wanting open space cut.

Looks like about 25 acres cut up into small, non contiguous patches, but all very close together in the same subdivision. 


I'm pretty experienced, been cutting fields with a bush hog for most my adult life. I walked the open space this morning. Noticed the current guy does a shitty job. Leaves lots of dead veg. standing around trees. Wont use loader to move fallen limbs, just steers around them. But the most unusual thing i noticed is he is using a sickle bar or disc (non conditioner) mower to cut the grass/weeds.

This is unusual in my area for sure. Everyone runs pull type bush hog. 

So, I began to wonder why he did this. One other thing I saw is that some of the area to be cut is soft. Some ruts filled with water. Its been rainy lately. Was just cut last few weeks, all cut veg. just laying there full length, as if it was hay.


Is there a chance the guy uses a sickle/disc because its soft in those spots and sickle is light and can "hang" over soft spots? HOA pres doesnt like laid over veg. He wants it shredded up like a BH would. Residents complain about "matts" of veg. 

Am I walking into a future stuck tractor scenario?

Is the current guy, although low on quality, smart for using sickle? 

80% is high & dry, rest is "iffy". 

?'s for experienced bush hog guys

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