Burnt Grass from Spraying

jeudi 6 juillet 2017

Took a first cut off in Mid May. Milkweed was coming on strong so I sprayed it Mid June with Dicamba and MSM per label. I have some hills that I have to gear down for so I am sure at some spots I over applied what I intended. Milkweed went down well but now the grass is turning a very pale green. It didn't look bad until about 2 weeks after spraying, and now its awful. When I stand 100 yards back on a hill and look at the field I can see some areas that appear fine. One field edge, one diagonal strip up the middle....

So...is there  anything I can do to help this grass pull through? Let is grow out? Or cut? Fertilizer?

Any input? 

Burnt Grass from Spraying

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