Need to remove main drive sprocket from Krone baler

mercredi 5 juillet 2017

Lousy weather made for a very late first cut, grass up to the cab, and towering windrows. A couple of weeks ago, I was just about to finish up when the baler, Krone KR130, plugged: 4 seconds = 2 hours on my back, yanking, cutting -- you know the rest. Anyway, today rolling the second bale, the main drive stopped. Seems that the sprocket, which powers the drive chain and is attached to the shaft from the gear box came loose, my guess, as the result of the plugging; a design feature which probably prevented the baler from becoming a heap of scrap metal. Anyway, the sprocket is held on the shaft with a small half-moon key and set screw. I loosened the screw, but am unable to remove the sprocket to identify what's broken and how to repair it. Anyone know how to get the key out and the sprocket off?

Need to remove main drive sprocket from Krone baler

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