Picking hay on a unique place

lundi 10 juillet 2017

I got a taste of picking hay on some side hills. I now understand better what some of you guys talk about. The wagon ran off, or should I say slid off on me a couple of times. I figured out quick that I should only load about two tiers on the bad stuff and get back to more moderate ground.
So a guy called this afternoon and asked if I could stack just about 4000 idiot bricks. I grabbed the wife and we ran up to look at the job. The big Field on top is about as nice as you could ask for. He mentioned that he wanted the other two done first. Then I saw them. Holy sweet Mary there were some ugly spots.
I didn't get pics of the worst of it but you will get the idea.
If someone can straighten these the right way, please do. I don't know how.

Attached Thumbnails

  • KIMG0080.JPG
  • KIMG0084.JPG
  • KIMG0081.JPG
  • KIMG0078.JPG
  • KIMG0077.JPG

Picking hay on a unique place

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