Bought My Seed and Fertilizer Yesterday

mercredi 14 février 2018

I pulled out the checkbook yesterday and done bought my seed for this year, well put half down anyway.  After the haying season was over I told dad we were not going to plant that Italian Ryegrass again, but I went and did it, we are going to give it another try this year.  If it was not for the fact that it did give us some very good fall forage we would not have done.  We have about 20 acres going back into alfalfa this year.  We wanted to plant RR but there was just not enough money for that this year, so we are going to just put in standard alfalfa.  I think we paid near $3.50 for it, and the RR was almost $8, that is a big difference.  We did not buy any seed for a cover crop.  Our agronomist kind of talked me out of a cover crop, besides then that is just more seed I have to buy.  I guess we'll just spot spray when those darn canadian thistles are. Twenty acres will be going into the Ryegrass.  We also bought fertilizer, they don't give that away either.  Last year we did not fertilize, but we should have.  I hope we get more hay for doing it; I am sure we will.  We also went with a different company this year; we have a wet spot in our field that just get worse every year, and the CO-OP did not seem to know what to do, or maybe they just did not really care.  Our new seed supplier suggested we put down some gypsum, so we are going to give that a try; I think we have about half an acre to do, and the cost of that stuff was somewhere near $500.  I hope it works; be nice if the ditch company would line the canal.  They are going line it up above us, but I don't think it will help us out much, but maybe some.  Only time will tell.  So now my poor ole checkbook is looking a bit sad today.  


Here's wishing everyone one a Happy Valentines Day, and a successful haying season.   

Bought My Seed and Fertilizer Yesterday

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