Just Curious about Opinions on HT about the Farm Bill

dimanche 25 février 2018

OK, maybe not the right forum but we don't have one on politics-it would probably self immolate.  I am not trying to cause a problem, I am genuinely trying to get unfiltered info.  My liberal cousin wants support on Facebook for the farm bill to support family farms.  Well, I am a family farm-granted not trying to put kids through school or maintain my family- but nevertheless, I have never taken a dime from the farm bill that I know about unless using the Va Tech Soil Testing lab qualifies as such.  I have liberal leanings and conservative leanings.  Both drive certain of my sibs nuts.  But here we are.   I don't trust anything that comes from the media anymore, left media or right media, they are all picking and choosing words or phrases out of context to support a view.  Ok, off the soapbox.


There are plenty of don't hold back folks on HT and plenty of others that will call out BS so here goes.  Does the Farm Bill help family farms enough to justify the cost?  BTW, I think that including Food Stamps in the farm bill was nuts to begin with.  I know why they did it, just don't agree that it is a farm program.  It's merit is a separate discussion.  I really don't want to start a fight, just want how people feel.  Thanks for being a good sport.  rick

Just Curious about Opinions on HT about the Farm Bill

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