Spraying paraquat on alfalfa

mercredi 21 février 2018

Ok, this is probably a crazy idea but I'm thinking it might just work. I have a field of alfalfa that has started thinning out and is probably on its last year. Starting last year I had a winter annual weed called speedwell appear in the field in a few spots but this year it is widespread. I'm pretty sure that 2,4db, pursuit, and raptor isn't going to kill this weed.....especially since it has started blooming now. The alfalfa has just now greened up nicely and has a few inches of growth.

I am thinking about spraying Paraquat to kill the speedwell since I really don't want it to set seed. I know the Paraquat will kill the new alfalfa growth but I'm thinking it just might only be a top kill and will regrow from the crown? Guessing it will delay the first cutting a couple weeks but that might not be a bad thing to space out the cuttings. I guess worst case if the alfalfa doesn't come back very strong I can just go ahead and rotate to something else this spring. If it was a very good stand I probably wouldn't risk it. Has anyone done this or think it might work?


Spraying paraquat on alfalfa

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