Looking for a 12 row corn planter

samedi 24 février 2018

Looking to up from our JD 1750 Vac meter 6 row corn planter to a 12 row. I would like to stay with lig fertilizer , no til, probably Vacuum, I am used to John Deere so I would probably lean towards another John Deere but would consider something else. I don't want to spend a lot of money I only plat 500 to 600 ac a year, but would be nice to get done faster. Don't want to spend over $30,000 and more likely less. It seems like there are more and possibly cheaper planters in the corn belt . Any advice or if anyone knows of a good planter available anywhere, I am in Maryland probably not wanting to good much further west than the corn belt. Thanks Bob

Looking for a 12 row corn planter

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