New field advice for hay

vendredi 9 février 2018

It’s a 10 acre field that used to be orchard grass but it’s been needed to be reseeded for 4 years now. He hasn’t got anything really out of it besides mulch Hay . He hasn’t reseeded because of $$ issues but I told him I’d help him this year . His soil test in this field was 6.1 last year for a PH but needed potassium. There is a lot of horsenettle in this field starting to take over which is a concern. What is the best approach for planting Timothy with a legume ( white clover) in this field. I know spring planting’s are tougher than Fall planting’s because of weed control. I’m located in Connecticut. Any ideas? My buddy has a no till drill he could do the seeding with. Again, my concern is that horsenettle which glyphosate laughs at I believe. Should I spray in Spring with something and maybe two more times prior to Fall planting to get good weed control? Any help would be great

New field advice for hay

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