Dicamba training

mercredi 21 février 2018

Attended a CE Pesticide license class last night by our County Agents and there was a Mandatory Class on Dicamba that is new and I assume Federal requirement but for SC any way a requirement to buy or apply dicamba beginning this year. At least in my area they have a few more in the next two weeks and impression I got that will be it. You are required to have proof of the class to buy the chemicals which we were given at completion of the class. Also must keep very detail records for at least two years. With special form which asked very specific questions such as temp and wind speed when you begun spraying and ended if memory is correct.  


After class High School Ag teacher who I was sitting beside told two of us about a friend who lost some pines about 18 inches in diameter to dicamba last year. 


Know there has been lot of concern with that chemical and based upon the class there is reason for it. Based upon the class I attended one of the big problem areas was being treated with aerial spraying which is no longer allowed. 

Dicamba training

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