Different Dusty Hay Question...

mercredi 19 septembre 2018

I’ve got about 25 or 30 square bales of hay in a shelter, open on the ends. When this hay was baled, it was very dry, it was almost straw - could have gone up a day earlier. Bale chamber moisture meter read 11-12% all day. These are very tight bales, but light - again from being so dry. Nothing marginal about the hay or field when baled that would point to dust. This batch, I can’t remember if I used impellers or rollers (which machine), but the hay was conditioned. First cut Timothy.

That was June, fast forward to today and a few bales show a bit of fine white dust if you slap one. Cut it open, nothing. Shake the hay - nothing. Slap the side down against other bales, nothing. Slap the free air side of the bale, a little dust.

While this hay was dry, I don’t think this is mechanical dust from baling, I think it’s mold dust.

I’m thinking with all the rain, high humidity we’ve had, along with cool nights and heavy dews, these bales have attracted humidity from the heavy moisture laden air and made a little surface dust.

Anyone experienced surface mold dust on their bales, but all else was fine?


Different Dusty Hay Question...

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