Frosty Hay...

dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Scouting my fields today and with all the rain we have had and are still getting, it’s going to need clipped again - sometime.

IMHO, there’s not grass enough grass yet for a cutting, by the time frosts start coming, it will. Enough perhaps to make some squares.

I know it’s not good to cut just before a killing frost, but what are the best practices for post frosts?

I need to do some digging, but I’m sure I’ve read that some folks have been pretty much forced to make hay long after it turns colder and frosts come regular - out into late October, into November and early December.

What I think I remember is once cold weather sets in and frosts begin, the hay (grass hay) has figured out winter is coming and has stored up nutrients into the roots and you’re good to go cutting. I also remember some comments about really soft hay that has had a frost and dry down isn’t so bad with low fall humidity.

Sooooo - thoughts on post frost haying?


Frosty Hay...

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