New holland 650 declutch

mercredi 5 septembre 2018

I recently purchas ed d a NH 650 with 8k bales thru it. I just finished my first 70 rolls and wanted to see what I was doing wrong. When I open the gate the declutch is working fine, however when I close it, it sounds like the machine is coming apart. The manual said to leave the pto engaged so I do that but have issues with the belts starting again and the worst chatter coming from the chains like something is wrong. When that happens I ultimately back the pto way down and sometimes completely off and then finesse it to make the belts run again. Am I doing something wrong or is there and adjustment for the declutch/ is it just bad?
Al'so the net wrap actuator has not been used. I took it off and cleaned it and it works however it seems to be unable to push the duck bill and chatter like its bound up. Is it bad as well? I took it apart and cleaned it and everything appears fine on the inside, is it possible to rebuild or am I stuck buying a new one?

Tha k you in advance for the help

New holland 650 declutch

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