hay not drying, what's my next step

vendredi 14 septembre 2018

I mowed a field Wed afternoon around 1 pm. It was full sun and about 78 degrees. Tedded it a few hours later and got full coverage.


Thursday was cloudy and mid-70's.


Today was sunny with some clouds, 78-80 degrees, 53% humidity, no wind. I raked the field at 3 pm. Started baling at 4:30, and tested the first few bales, I was getting 18-20+% (small squares). I moved to the center of the field where the hay would always get full sun and tested some more with the same moisture.  The hay felt dry on the ground but when we were breaking the bales apart to respread out you could indeed tell they felt a little damp.


They are pretty good sized windrows. I left the hay in rotary-raked windrows. I debated tedding them back out or leaving them as is. I left them. Everbody fauns about how well rotary raked windrows are still supposed to dry.


Tomorrow is supposed to be 83 degrees and full sun.  Sun will be the same but even hotter, 86 degrees. After dew is gone, should I re-ted the rows back out or leave them as windrows?  Will I get sufficient drying in the rotary windrows? The hay inside shouldn't dew I wouldn't think, but then it's not getting as much sun either.


Seems like a lot of people around here are having problems with hay getting dry enough.



hay not drying, what's my next step

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