GPS Guidance For Small Hay & Cattle Farm

samedi 29 septembre 2018

I know this topic has been discussed before on here, and I have looked at many of the treads, but I am looking for any additional information or opinions about this subject that may be out there.  We have a small hay and cow/calf operation in Western Kentucky  We have been raising beef cattle and our own hay since before I was around, but since my grandfather is no longer with us and Dad is slowing down, more of the decision making is coming down to me.  On top of that I have picked up some custom work.   In order to be more efficient in both time and cost I am looking at adding some form of GPS guidance to the tractor that I spread fertilizer and spray with.


Right now I am just looking at going with a lightbar and staying with the WAAS signal, but in the future if the operation continues to grow, I may look at adding some form of autosteer and a subscription service.  I have looked at both Trimble and Raven products but I'm not sure which specific models I should be looking at.


I would love to hear any input those of you that are currently using some form of guidance would be willing to share.




GPS Guidance For Small Hay & Cattle Farm

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