Fall grazing cereal Rye and Wheat

dimanche 6 octobre 2019

I planted a small patch of cereal Rye and winter Wheat for early Spring grazing. I want the cows to have something to graze before the perennial pastures are ready. 


I planted on September 14. We have been very dry since late July. The Rye and Wheat has had a few .1-.25" rains, but nothing big. We are supposed to get an inch tonight! 


The new grasses are about 6" tall now. I fertilized when I planted, so I think this rain should get it growing fast.


My herd is small, 11 cows, yearlings and calves, and 3 horses.


My question, Can I graze this Wheat and Rye this Fall or Winter without sacrificing early Spring growth? My perennial pastures have hardly grown since June, and I am starting to worry. The Rye and Wheat is also very conveniently close to water and the barn where we milk our Jersey.


Can horses graze Wheat and Rye?

Fall grazing cereal Rye and Wheat

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