Is there anyone that can fix 1140CPX Transmissions 2014 ?

samedi 5 octobre 2019

I have two 1140 CPX's that have great 1100hr diesel engines, and everything works with metal tops and doors, but the transmissions don't work. One of them has been to two of three dealers and the other one has been to 2 of 3 local dealers.

None of these three dealers can tell me what is wrong with them. They literally just say, "Well, we have to tear them open and see what is wrong." .......Okay, how much...."We don't know, might be $2,000-$6,000."

This is ludicrous for what I have already paid them, they should be able to have a rough idea of what is wrong with them.

One of them machines stills had medium range, but not low or high. The other one, nobody knows what is wrong with it.....and that is coming from Kubuta dealers....not some shady mechanic.....What do I do?

Is there anyone that I can take both of these machines to in the Kentucky or surrounding states that I can have confidence in, figuring out and fixing the transmission problems?

Its like they sell a machine and if anything goes wrong, they just figure it runs on magic dust and have no idea how it operates or what could likely be that went wrong.

I have another post about trying to fix them, but it didn't really go anywhere. I would like to find someone who has fixed these RTV transmissions, several times.

Let me know, what you guys think.

Is there anyone that can fix 1140CPX Transmissions 2014 ?

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