Vermeer 504I Spring Tension

samedi 26 octobre 2019

I have a Vermeer 504SI I have been running and improving for 2 years. During 2nd cutting a tension spring broke and had to finish the hay with less than desired  results. It was my hay and it went in the barn so not a huge deal. 

When I replaced the spring I also replaced the adjusting bolts/nuts on both sides. I set the bolts to the manual recommended 5 3/8" (if memory serves) but the belts were too loose. I went down to 4 1/2" and it baled ok but I would like the bales to be tighter.

I am concerned that if I keep shortening the adjusting bolts it will put too much strain on the springs when the bale is near full/full or the gate opens and will break the springs too soon. Does this make sense? What else can I do to improve bale density?

I removed the belts back in the spring and re-laced. The belts are 421 1/2" and a new belt is 423". 

Vermeer 504I Spring Tension

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