How Goes It ....

lundi 21 octobre 2019

Hey all,
I wanted to touch base and give a 'How Goes It' report with hopes that you will all pile on the site supporters bandwagon to make 2020 a banner year for Net Tractor Talk.

2019 has been a year of change for the forums. We continue to attract high quality posters willing to share their knowledge on the many topics covered on Net Tractor Talk. All this in spite of major email delivery issues and server compatibility issues that caused a number of extended outages. By extended I mean a few hours at most, but when in the middle of a long post and the server stops responding the frustration level peaks very quickly. Still our main core of members continue to post and we have drawn in some new blood to mix things up a bit. I applaud you all for making NTT a fun place to check in daily and to share problems and solutions for the machines we love.

It has been the most expensive year yet but we are now sitting in a good spot and hopefully positioned for years to come. I attempted to moved to a new server last July. I spent a couple weeks setting up and moving all our data to the new home only to find a major conflict with our VB software and the versions of PHP offered on that host. Very frustrating. So back to our old server while I made a new plan for the next upgrade attempt. I made the 2nd upgrade attempt a month ago and I'm happy to report all has been successful. We are on a new server with more memory, faster processors and to top it off, email delivery is now working for 99% of our members. Ahhh a good feeling. Email has been a thorn in my behind for way to long. I am so happy to be over that hump. :D

So, overall we are doing very well and, with your help, we are positioned to continue to thrive in 2020.

Once again, I have my hat is in hand as I hope you can see fit to send some dollars NTT way.

This is my annual request for donations. Once a year I will pester you for funds, and the rest of the year you can enjoy the antics of all our quality NTT members without me bugging ya.

If this is not a good time for you but you feel you could donate in March or April (or any month) please pledge to donate in whatever month you choose. Any month of 2020. That way I can count on the funds down the road and it helps me plan expenses for the upcoming calendar year.

Please consider parting with a little cash in support of the forums.

To pledge you can post in this thread, or PM me.

Site Supporters groups are as follows:

GOLD Site Supporter $100 a year. (8.34 per month or .28 cents a day.)

Super Site Supporter $50 a year. (4.17 per month or .14 cents a day.)

Site Supporter: $20 a year ( 1.67 per month or .05 cents a day)

To make a donation go to:
and click on make a donation. (Net Tractor Talk is a company)
Please be sure to include your member name here to get proper credit for your donation.

If you prefer to send a check, PM me or email me for my address (Easy way to PM me, click on my user name above this post, and select PM doc, to email me use the Contact Us button at the bottom of each forum page.)

Note, you can use your visa or mastercard to paypal a donation even if you do not have a paypal account.

Like last year, if you become a site supporter here, and you frequent one of my other forums, you will get site supporter status there also.

THANKS in advance for your support. :tiphat: :clap: :clap: :clap:

How Goes It ....

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