How far are you willing to road or haul equipment for small tracts of hay?

jeudi 16 avril 2020

The small tract post is also mine. I would like to know how far y'all are willing to road or haul equipment to do 5 to 10-acre fields and how do you recover your expense of moving your equipment? As I mentioned in the other question I had a woman ask me to come 55 miles to do a 10-acre field of what she called winter grazing mix whatever that may be. I already use google earth pro to get a very good idea of the acreage as a lot of people do not know how much land is really there or they try to save a few dollars saying it is less than what it is, it also makes their BPA look better. I am just trying to get a feel for what the SOP is for the small tracts. I try and have a layout of the folks I work for so I do not mind going a little out of the way to cover good paying people. The woman 55 miles away I do not know her and I have no one down that way I work for now. Just curious how far y'all are willing to go to help people get their hay up?

How far are you willing to road or haul equipment for small tracts of hay?

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