What would you do?

vendredi 17 avril 2020

I had a calf that I had to bring in to get warmed up and dried off, once I took the little guy back to the mama, well she would not let him suck, so we ran her in the chute and gave her no choice.  Got her milked out and kept her in for a day; let her out and she run off from her calf, and would not let him suck, so we pulled the calf off her hand to bottle feed.  At this point I now had to two calves to bottle feed, and one crazy cow that just wanted to run someone in the ground.  


I thought about taking her to the sale, but decided to keep her; mostly because of the uncertainty of the cow market.  I am going to put her on pasture this summer, and sell her as a bred cow this coming fall. 


What would you do, would you sell her now knowing that you are going to really take it in the shorts due to cow market now, or would keep, get her bred, and sell her in the fall?


What is better to do with bum calves, do you guys think it is better to sell them right away, or bottle feed them, and sell with your other calves?  I chose to sell my bum calves this year.  

What would you do?

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