Newbie Spray Questions (Grazonnext HL & 2,4D+Banvel)

dimanche 26 avril 2020

While I have the basics figured out, I've been waiting for the best weather conditions to spray pastures and hay fields. It has yet to happen. Have had more snow and freezing in last 2 weeks. Monday and Tuesday are my last 2 days to do it before 1. the animals go to pasture (I can spray later just a pain as all rotational fence will be up) 2. hay fields are to tall.


Monday - AM clouds and PM sun highs in upper 40's. Night lows in the 30's and rain showers. Unwinterize sprayer screw around in pastures and make sure everything is ready to go.


Tuesday - Mostly cloudy highs in the upper 50's. Night mid 40's and rain showers. Spray hay fields.


The rest of the week rain high temps in the 50's and lows in the 40's. 


My question is should I spray or say the hell with it. I don't want to waste my time or money and have mediocre results. Looking for experience under these conditions. Thank you

Newbie Spray Questions (Grazonnext HL & 2,4D+Banvel)

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